Monthly Archives: January 2017


Just a note for anyone who happened to note, or begin, the recently published (and unfinished) “Internal Contradictions of Liberal Democracy (Regime, 2 of 3)” post: I’d parked it in “Scheduled,” certain I’d have gotten back to it and the

Posted in Meta

Why two spaces after a period isn’t wrong (or, the lies typographers tell about history) – Heraclitean River

The author, Farhad Manjoo, is astounded to find so many educated and ignorant people who apparently believe that two spaces are okay. He even polls people over Thanksgiving dinner, just so he can tell them how wrong they are! The

Posted in Internet, Meta, Miscellany, Noted & Quoted

@JohnRobb: “Air dropped micro-UAV swarm maneuvering and encircling target…” – Twitter

“Air dropped micro-UAV swarm maneuvering and encircling target. Sound of swarm is eerie cool (2:20)” From: John Robb on Twitter: “Air dropped micro-UAV swarm maneuvering and encircling target. Sound of swarm is eerie cool (2:20)”

Posted in Noted & Quoted, War Tagged with:

@EyeStream_ : “Mysterious Dr Satan tries to conquer the world with a death-dealing robot…” – Twitter

From: EYE STREAM on Twitter: “”

Posted in Noted & Quoted, War

@bratchy1 : “Today I saw the messiah of hamsters” – Twitter

“Today I saw the messiah of hamsters” From: David Bratchpiece on Twitter: “Today I saw the messiah of hamsters”

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Political Philosophy, Religion

NASA Goddard: “Here are a few of our top images of 2016.” – Twitter

Here are a few of our top images of 2016. To see more pix be sure to follow @NASAGoddardPix & our Instagram account: — NASA Goddard (@NASAGoddard) January 7, 2017 From: NASA Goddard on Twitter: “Here are a

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Science Tagged with:

Hollywood’s Protests Are Getting to Trump – Vulture

“This Meryl Streep speech is why Trump won,” warned Meghan McCain. “And if people in Hollywood don’t start recognizing why and how — you will help him get reelected.” No sale. The argument that Trump voters flocked to a TV

Posted in Culture & Entertainment, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness Tagged with: , ,

David Sanger: U.S. Reacting at Analog Pace to a Rising Digital Risk, Hacking Report Shows – The New York Times

It was telling that within an hour of the release of the report on Friday, the secretary of homeland security, Jeh Johnson, declared for the first time that America’s election system — the underpinning of its democracy — would be

Posted in Noted & Quoted, The Russian Angle, War

Nick Cohen: Russian treachery is extreme and it is everywhere – The Guardian

In the past, Britain would have looked to the US for support and leadership. Now, and with the worst timing imaginable, at the very moment when Brexit is tearing up our relationship with Europe, Britain has to wonder if America

Posted in Noted & Quoted, The Russian Angle

Hamilton Nolan: This Is Why You Don’t Kiss The Ring – Deadspin

Our society and our institutions are simply not set up to deal with someone who is fully prepared to flout all of our norms of good behavior. Our system, to a large degree, relies on social sanction rather than laws

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness