Monthly Archives: January 2017

Joshua Landis: America’s Failure, and Russia and Iran’s Success, in Syria’s Cataclysmic Civil War – TPM

I just attended a conference at the Baker Institute where the attitude of many analysts was to let Russia and Iran choke on Syria. Let’s see if we can turn it into a swamp for them, seemed to be the

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted Tagged with:

Jason Willick: The Danger of President Obama’s Farewell Address – The American Interest

Why does it matter that President Obama’s defense of open government was framed as an attack on the GOP and couched within a campaign-style celebration of the achievements of the Democratic Party? Because while normal political conflicts within our democratic system—conflicts

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Politics Tagged with: , ,

@SenJackReed (Senator Jack Reed): “Here is the declassified intelligence report on Russian hacking that is now publicly available” – Twitter

“Here is the declassified intelligence report on Russian hacking that is now publicly available:” From: Senator Jack Reed on Twitter: “Here is the declassified intelligence report on Russian hacking that is now publicly available:”

Posted in Noted & Quoted, The Russian Angle

Will Saletan: Why does Donald Trump continue to defend Russia and attack U.S. intelligence? – Slate

They have conceded as little as possible. They have belittled and lied about the contents of the intelligence report. They have attacked the credibility of U.S. intelligence officials and have accused them of leaking falsehoods “just to smear the president-elect.”

Posted in Noted & Quoted, The Russian Angle

@jayrosen_nyu: “Everything Trump has said on key topics, every platform. With links and cites. And searchable.” – Twitter

“Everything Trump has said on key topics, every platform. With links and cites. And searchable. YES. via @SopanDeb” From: Jay Rosen on Twitter: “Everything Trump has said on key topics, every platform. With links and cites. And searchable. YES.

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness

Molly K McKew: Putin’s Real Long Game – POLITICO Magazine

We have to accept we’re in a war and that we have a lot to lose. We need to look at this war differently, both geographically and strategically. For example, it’s hard to understand Ukraine and Syria as two fronts

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, The Russian Angle

Robert Kaplan: Why Trump Can’t Disengage America From the World – The New York Times

The frontier was about being frugal with our assets. It was about pushing out over the perimeter, but only while tending to our own. It was about maintaining supply lines, however much that slowed us up. Above all it was

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted

Ian Dunt: Extreme Brexit: This was May’s last moment of control –

This was her last moment of control. Once Article 50 starts, the brute force of reality will invade the self-interested dream Britain has been having since June 24th. It is easy for May to be popular now and for even

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted Tagged with: , ,

“Human nature only really exists in an achieved community of minds.” – Hegel

Just wanted to note the line, from the Preface to The Phenomenology of Spirit (§69), for later use and overuse. I’m quite fond of the larger passage: Since the man of common sense makes his appeal to feeling, to an

Posted in Internet, Philosophy, Political Philosophy

Housekeeping or Sorry about Tweeting Out that Rough Draft

I’d been thinking about putting up a “sorry I’m busy post,” anyway, especially since I haven’t been keeping up with “the Russian Angle” “link-posts,” but not having posted anything other than a web development note since the turn of the

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