Monthly Archives: February 2017

Susan B Glasser: Trump’s Alpha Male Foreign Policy – POLITICO Magazine

Sherman argues in the interview that without the Iran deal, “you’d probably be at war.” Flournoy agrees, in an answer that is particularly revealing as to how she and the others choose to interpret Trump’s Alpha Male theory of the

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Looking into the black hole at the heart of the Milky Way – The Guardian

[I]f Einstein’s equations break down anywhere, they are most likely to do so at the edge of a black hole, where the fabric of space-time is being stretched more severely than any other place in the cosmos. As Laing says:

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Science Tagged with:

Nested Comments Unbound 1.0 Now Available from the WordPress Repo

Enable open-ended maximum depth for nested comments, preserve comment-reply-links for all comments, keep the results readable.

Posted in WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with:

Tweets toward an Inquiry into Inquiry, in relation to Ideologies

There are progressive and liberal ideologies or ideological constructs, but the desirability of progress and its attainment via rational and open (“liberal”) inquiry remain pre-conditions of any authentic (authentically “discursive”) discussion.

Posted in notes, Philosophy, Political Philosophy

All the News that’s Fit to Kill (OAG #8)

The Post appears to be promising to narrate the death of democracy – or, if unconsciously, to be revealing an intention to embody it.

Posted in Featured, Internet, Journalism, Operation American Greatness

Bret Stephens: Don’t Dismiss Trump’s Attacks on the Media as Mere Stupidity – TIME

The most painful aspect of this has been to watch people I previously considered thoughtful and principled conservatives give themselves over to a species of illiberal politics from which I once thought they were immune. In his 1953 masterpiece, “The

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Anne Applebaum: The specter of Trump in Munich – The Washington Post

The precarious feeling of uncertainty will nonetheless persist, at least until U.S. authority, in Europe or anywhere else, is seriously challenged. And there are signs that a challenge is coming. In the past few days, the Russian government has recognized

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness

Josh Marshall: The American Experiment in Exile – TPM

Our partners in the international order we created – some of whom we conquered to make it possible – are now seeking to defend it from us. Let’s say that again, Defend it from us. How do we now as

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness

Better Twitter Embeds 2: Stripping the Convo for the Sake of the Convo

A few months ago, I noted a technique for stripping Twitter embeds of extraneous conversation, involving setting the tweet attribute “data-conversation” to “none.” What I provided was more hack than add-on, and required a somewhat laborious process of copying the

Posted in notes, Twitter, Using WordPress, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: ,

On Emulating the TP vs Trump’s GOP

“Remember when everyone lectured Tea Party they should speak sweetly to woo liberals & so they toned down & then they won 2010? / Me neither.”

Posted in Politics