Line-by-line on how to write a WordPress filter function utilizing the “the_content” filter hook.
Line-by-line on how to write a WordPress filter function utilizing the “the_content” filter hook.
An old plug-in possibly of interest to some OTers and for future general development of the site, but not, apparently, fully adapted to a multisite environment.
An old plug-in possibly of interest to some OTers and for future general development of the site, but not, apparently, fully adapted to a multisite environment.
Testing an out-of-date but potentially still useful plug-in.
Archived version of Storify post.
By completing a deal, we therefore co-effectuate the realization or authentication of an objectively liberal-democratic tendency or potential in the Islamic Republic. We do not, of course, completely liberalize-democratize the IR. We offer it a partial and reversible, but all the same real and indispensable, for the moment undeniable, validation.
“Resolving conflict worldwide” and “changing dictatorship into democracies” count in this context as simplistic, even childish reductions of any questions truly before us. When we focus on such simplisms instead of treating them for what they are, every movement of any kind falls subject to strategic hypochondria, a condition under which even a move consequentially “inward” also becomes impossible: A hypochondriac nation will resist turning consequentially in any direction at all.
…a residue or by-product of the same (world-)historical process realized as a nearly entirely dysfunctional passive aggressive national government care-taking the affairs of the passive aggressive polity that it passive-aggressively reflects, represents, and embodies, and that it is expected to preserve and to protect.
A constitutional democracy expresses and validates its moral decisions through its lawmaking, but not if the decisions the laws are meant to embody have never actually occurred. If the turning point represents an actual moral commitment, and a turning to each other that also crosses current cultural and religious divides, then we can let the wonks tell themselves that it was really the Semi-Automatic Weapons Control Act of 2013 or 2017 or 2027 that finally put an end to the Auroras and Sandy Hooks and Oak Creeks and Tucsons, but it will have been, and will have had to have been, something far more important than any piece of legislation.