
The Wheel Has Turned – “Fear” by @WardSutton

The answer not just to Shepard Fairey but to “Obamamania” that was to be expected – exactly.

Posted in Art, Politics Tagged with:

Critchley and Webster: Hegel on Hamlet – spiked

‘But death lay from the beginning in the background of Hamlet’s mind. The sands of time do not content him. In his melancholy and weakness, his worry, his disgust at all the affairs of life, we sense from the start

Posted in Art, Noted & Quoted, Philosophy

Roger’s Art

” template=”/home/ckm/public_html/” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″] My cousin Roger McLeod, who happens to share my father’s birthday, June 26, suffered a heart attack last week – apparently, by a different order of coincidence, around the time that I was snapping

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Being Charlie – Updated

Seems the “next Charlie Hebdo cover” is really this one: TPM Livewire explains what I think was more an honest mistake by many tweeps than any kind of hoax:

Posted in Art, On Liberal Democracy in Relation to Islamism Tagged with:

The Ephemeral Sublime vs The Triumph of Death

"The Triumph of Death," Pieter Bruegel, The Elder

"The Triumph of Death," Pieter Bruegel, The Elder “The Triumph of Death,” Pieter Bruegel, The Elder
To treat the past as nothing because it is or seems inaccessible to us is to imply the nothingness of every present destined to fall into it next – to make the substance of life the triumph of death… and therefore it is not thus.

Posted in Art, Featured, notes, Philosophy

I, Madman

…also busyman – in that I’ve been busy with business a lot for the last few days, and expect to continue to be so for a while. Much of what I’m doing consists of selling off the remainder of a

Posted in Art, Meta, Movies Tagged with:


As for our Achilles-Nemesis, what reason is there to believe, along with apparently the professor, that it is our decision alone, or within anyone’s ability, to define the fight in some essentially different way, and still to fight at all?

Posted in Art, Books, Featured, Movies, notes, Political Philosophy, The Exception, War Tagged with: , , , ,

“Not a Bug Splat” – Drone Warfare and Utopia

A piece of political concept art may not be God’s frustration of Mephistopheles – the evil one condemned to achieve good despite himself – but neither is it exactly entirely not-that.

Posted in Art, Neo-Imperialism, notes, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Victory Boulevard

Eventually ANY earlier aesthetic will strike us “at face value” as superior to our own, since all will by definition imply a future that we, the latest latecomers, lack.

Posted in Art, Culture & Entertainment, Featured, Philosophy Tagged with: , , ,

Ghost Machine


Posted in Art, Featured, Internet, Movies, Philosophy, Technology, TV Tagged with: , , ,