
Revolutionary Mind

To trace the workings of the reactionary mind in history up to the present already refers to and, possibly, begins to re-invent, the opposite – in history, and up to the present.

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Not Making It in the Political Blogosphere

Pimp me! Pimp yourselves! Pimp this site as a whole or your own author archives in regular e-mails, in comments, at Facebook or on Twitter or in any other venue, or at your own blogs… Just not too much,

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Pulp Sartre

Easy to forget that the publishers of Jean-Paul Sartre, Aldous Huxley, Mary Shelley, and William Faulkner… were in it for the money, too. The above images and others in the following gallery (click for full images, of course) all come

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Kindling Literature #1: Ease of Use and Customer Service

[amazon-product]B002Y27P3M[/amazon-product]Purchased a Kindle just before New Year’s, and have been impressed with it from the start – except for one problem. Since I rarely travel, and seldom even spend extended periods away from home, I figgered the WiFi version would

Posted in Books, Miscellany

Almost Everyone vs. The Whole Thing

From Schopenhauer through Strauss and beyond, the rebels fail to grasp Hegel’s thought on its own terms, or, if they grasp it at all, they soon discard or conceal it. This claim may also seem like a large one, but the most ambitious and unlikely claim of all, it turns out, is not the claim of a complete or comprehensive philosophy, but the claim that the Hegelian is precluded from making: to have created a new philosophy, to have stepped philosophy beyond philosophy’s own shadow.

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Barbarism and its Discontents

[amazon-product]0981709125[/amazon-product]In The Barbaric Heart: Faith, Money, and the Crisis of Nature, Curtis White deploys for ideological battle in a literary academic’s full panoply, and there is pleasure in seeing so much wit and erudition put to such radical ends, but

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Theo-Anthropology and the Essence of Christianity

Continuing the discussion at the end of the Iran Film Festival thread – a discussion that has vanishingly little to do with film festivals – here is an explication of the idea of “Christian Theology” being overcome by “Christian Anthropology.” 

Posted in Books, History, Religion

Last Testament: Ill Fares the Land by Tony Judt

If a resuscitation and revival, a last ditch effort at salvation, or a transfiguration of social democracy is not on today’s political agenda, that may be all the more reason to pass this book on, following Tony Judt’s last requests, to a young person looking forward. It may even be the conservative thing to do.

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Worse is better – American Taliban vs. Liberal Fascism

All around the blogosphere today, progressives and fellow travelers may have managed to hit the broad side of a barn at two paces without having to resort to a re-load.  It seems they’ve figured out that Markos Moulitsas’ new book

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GWF was the man…

If a content is to be discussed philosophically, it will bear only scientific and objective treatment; in the same way, the author will regard any criticism expressed in a form other than scientific discussion of the matter itself merely as

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