UPDATE: Here’s a version of “Capital” with subtitles – you may have to watch it full screen in order to read them: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SE3q8hAaxCQ I’ve kept the I believe higher quality Vimeo version below (tho if you click on 720p on…
Wanted to explore subtitling anyway, plus I was sorely disappointed that the version of “Alif Allah Chambey Di Booty” with real-time English language subtitles disappeared from YouTube. It will take a good long while for the video to load once…
Howard Portnoy: Kill each other over money and white boys for fun. That line, in case anyone missed it in a previous column on the topic, comes from rapper Common’s song “Don’t Come My Way.” It is a blatantly racist…
Odd coincidence. Nina Simone happened to come up in brief discussion last night in relation to a headline item. First time, probably, she was ever mentioned on this blog. Turns out it was the anniversary of her death: Nina Simone,…
I know I should be coming up with a Thanskgiving message – how about “Thanks for sticking around!”? – or watching football, or cleaning up the house while preparing to head out for the family shindig. Instead, I found myself…
New possibility for Tea Party campaign song, especially given the latest Christine O’Donnell revelations, based on Bill Maher’s boffo tape from O’Donnell’s appearance on Politically Incorrect in 1999: O’DONNELL: I dabbled into witchcraft — I never joined a coven. But…