What the Truth-Seeker Finds – Homeland’s Finale

Truth destroys the truther, because self-annihilation is on some level what he or she was truly seeking all along, and, within the fictional narrative, is the same thing.

Posted in Miscellany, TV, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Romney: Believe in White America

A dreary African American America brought to power through the African American president, versus a (ca. 99%) White America everywhere associated with Mitt Romney.

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Letting Donald Trump spittle his way across the TV screen, for minutes on end, while we wait for Obama to speak?

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Give us this day our daily purebred, forgive our regresspasses and those who have regresspassed against us

So was looking to write a quick little post about the absence of fuster and his music videos and his naughty ribbits and thought I’d illustrate it with a link to Sweet Polly Purebred singing for Underdog, and was surprised

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In Honor of Her Highness Oprah Selassie

chuget.doc – The Oprah Variations  

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Hearts and Minds 2010

I happened to catch HBO’s The Battle for Marjah last night.  Here’s the trailer, but be warned that it’s misleading. What’s misleading is that there’s not a lot of “action” in this documentary at all.  That very lack of action,

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speculation on the leftward tilt of popular culture

(Continuing on a question posed by miguel cervantes in the “Exceptionally Exceptional” comment thread – open to thoughts and suggestions for further development of the idea.) There is no popular culture that is not in the broad sense a leftwing

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