
Contention of the Woche – The Desperate States of Amerika

Good night, America: Die Amerikaner träumten einen Traum, der sie zur Nation machte, den Traum von Aufstieg und Reichtum für alle. Nun müssen die USA erkennen, wie fragil ihr System ist und wie bitter die Realität – die Supermacht findet

Posted in Economics

No alternatives

David Brooks’ Friday column consists of a rather melancholic “what might have been,” an “Alternate History” in which the Democrats under Obama’s leadership put up “No Quick Fixes” signs all around the White House, and “define themselves as the economic

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How to make money: James M Buchanan on completing the American Revolution

Economist James M. Buchanan – born: 1919, Nobel Prize: 1986 – should not be called upon or expected to enter the political trenches, to simplify or pretty things up for the masses or for striving politicians, nor to construct elaborately

Posted in Books, Economics, US History Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Endless Unstoppable Flows of Bad Ugly Stuff That No One Seems To Be Able To Do Anything About

This post isn’t really about the BP oil disastrophe – not that anyone yet seems quite sure how much of a disastrophe it is, even politically.  This post is just here to ask whether the cloudy ominous unstoppable confusion of

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the wolf isn’t just guarding the sheep

they gave him a pair of steak knives narciso @ The Pot Calling the Kettle Mob.

Posted in Economics

…few are connecting the Dots with logic.

As far as [it being] a Marxist publication, I don’t care,does the article add to our understanding of the topic, yes it does, end of story. Rex Caruthers @ The Pot Calling the Kettle Mob.

Posted in Economics

How Now Brown Dow?

Watching the roundtable on Fox… wishful thinking now about the close… or about the state of the economy… as though the recovery from the lows now to around 500 points down is any kind of ground to stand on… as

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