
hardly nowhere to begin

Not really. Devoted the Summer, especially the end, to my coding skills. The work included writing and publishing my first “real” WordPress plugin: WP Replace Old Images. It’s just a simple thing that I don’t expect will be downloaded in

Posted in Meta, notes

Patronize ‘Em: WordPress Draft Post Docket with Subscription and Donation Options

Core functions completed and ready for testing, bells, whistles, and plug-innability, and code presentation still to come: A notification-enabled “Coming Soon” or “Works in Progress” or “Docket” feature. In fact, this very post will provide for initial on-line testing of the full cycle – presentation, subscription, confirmation, co-messaging, subscription cancellation, notification, removal of used subscription data.

Posted in Meta, Web Design, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: ,

Child of Mog; Extraordinary Comments

1. Discussion continues at OT on the momentous question of replacing the Mystery Person. Though, dismayingly, the OGs are as so often caught up with matters of lesser import – as though anyone’s opinions at the blog on a so-called

Posted in Meta, notes, Web Design, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with:

Death to the Mystery Man! Long Live MOG? (Custom Default Avatar)

We all, or all of us worth knowing on a question such as this one, know the Mystery Man, the pseudo-guy who looks like a reverse polarity keyhole, and who/which is the default avatar for wet-behind-the-ears WordPress sites – only

Posted in Meta, Web Design, WordPress Plug-Ins

Procreative Concept and the Insult to Gays; My Father’s Gifts; Roger’s OK

Been very busy at OT lately, having entrapped myself by starting to fix, develop, re-design the site on the fly. Whole new vistas of massively unpaid labor are opening before me, though maybe I’ll eventually figure out how to monetize

Posted in Marriage of Equality and Inequality, Meta, notes, Web Design Tagged with: , ,

A week and a day after my father’s funeral…

It feels unfair to my three or so loyal readers to explain only at this late date that an increasing portion of my distraction these last few months, and especially since my previous post of January 17, can be attributed

Posted in Audio, Meta

TNR and Our Terrible On-Line Culture

First a comment from “Pinky” at Ordinary Times, which I’ll quote in full: I don’t know if I’m just in a melancholy mood, but I guess I’ve been thinking lately about the lack of quality online. What strikes me is

Posted in Internet, Meta, Political Philosophy, Web Design Tagged with:

Less Ephemeral: Site vs Blog

Though the big, slick, expensive sites and services offer many of the things, and better, that ten years ago we went to (each other’s) blogs to find, they are inadequate for anyone seeking more than “the literature of a quarter of an hour,” but not involved in, supported by, or satisfied with traditional commercial and academic publishing. A blog might seem to belong to that species of 15-minute literature, but, once the all-consuming desire for passing interest has been stolen away or stolen back, the blog-as-log begins to disappear, revealing a virtual location: the site, marked by the non- or anti-ephemeral durability of logos rather than log.

Posted in Featured, Internet, Meta, notes, Web Design Tagged with:

I’ll be seeing me

Few of the visitors to this site on any given day leave comments or any other signs of appreciation or disagreement, or of attention at all, but, when I examine the trail of “views” they leave behind, I like to

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I, Madman

…also busyman – in that I’ve been busy with business a lot for the last few days, and expect to continue to be so for a while. Much of what I’m doing consists of selling off the remainder of a

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