
Site Monetization (Introduction)

The point for me will be as much to develop greater expertise – as well as methods, tools, research, and so on – that would be transferable to other virtual locales, for instance for writers who are more popular or well-established than I am, and who desire greater independence and security than they currently enjoy, but who do not possess requisite coding abilities and design experience.

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“new since last visit” comment formatting

For now on, when you return to a comment thread, all comments that have been added since your last visit should be background-highlighted.

Posted in Meta, Web Design

Really Stupid Web Design Error #1,041, Dept of Too Good to Be True At Least For Now

Didn’t realize, and really there’s no excuse for the unrealism involved, that in dragging images directly from desktop to WordPress editing screen, was not discovering some new trick for quick uploads. Would be a neat functionality if someone ever developed

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I don’t much like the fact that at this time the blog front page is mostly taken up with Twitter Digest posts, but just don’t have the spare time and energy either to re-design the blog more extensively or to

Posted in Meta, notes


…experimenting with a new format… got furtherer to go (additional formatting, automation), but this’ll do for now…

Posted in Meta, notes, Web Design

consider done

Links to should work just fine for now, instantly re-directing you to reincarnations of the old posts, pages, images, and everything else. Still, though you don’t need to update your bookmarks, you probably should do so – replacing with – if you intend to keep coming by, since someday likely prior to the end of the internet as we know it, likely prior to the end of your own browsing life, I or successor will stop renewing the ZC domain name or maintaining the re-directs.

Posted in Internet, Meta

blog housekeeping: Storify’s slideshows

Just for the sake of explanation, and to note these user-experience matters while they’re on my mind…

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bit of blog housekeeping

News to me, but the Safari browser and some Apple products apparently can’t handle GIF animations, or, even when they can handle them, can handle them only in small doses, or play them very slowly. A little bit of web research suggests that Apple browsers and devices have had this problem in one form or another since… 2004! Also had a bit of hinkiness on my own main browser (Firefox on Windows 7), though nothing too severe. Anyway, I’m putting the recent GIF pieces off the front page, with a warning to Safarists. I’d be curious about other user experiences.

Posted in Meta, notes

fun new toy at Sulia

Finally inspired me to post to Sulia, a platform whose appearance and interface I’ve long admired.

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Please proceed, dictator

Yellow walls! Dishes! Dishes! Dishes! All for love of you…

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