
Obama’s done pretty alright, but liberals are incapable of being realistic about him

Liberals are dissatisfied with Obama because liberals, on the whole, are incapable of feeling satisfied with a Democratic president.

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This is your brain on Breitbart

“*sniff* *sniff* There’s just something about a police baton swung towards the skull of #OWS that *sniff* chokes a man up. #ItsSoBeautiful” and so on, and so on…

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Wal-Mart Torquemadas

Pelley just looked at his watch, said to himself, “Fk this shit,” and gave up and went and got hammered in the hopes that he would not have to ask any of them a question about torture ever again.

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About that “media bias,” or Ombudsman Ombud Thyself

Had Jennifer Rubin promoted (and admitted agreeing with) such disgusting bile toward Jews and Israelis, as expressed by Rachel Abrams (neoconservative royalty) her journalism career would have been over, but because it was directed at Palestinians, it continues to thrive.

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Why They Fight

Confident conservative white men, as a group, were almost six times as likely to believe climate change “will never happen” than the rest of the adults surveyed.

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9 Foreign Policy Questions for the GOP Candidates

1. Mexico is being torn apart by a civil war to control the drug routes to the United States. Many Mexican leaders urge drug legalization in the US in order to move the drug trade away from violent criminals to legitimate business. If a Mexican president asked you to consider such a step, what would you answer and why?

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What Europe’s Problems Do NOT Tell Us

The idea, presumably, is that the crisis countries are in trouble because they’re groaning under the burden of high government spending. But the facts say otherwise.

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Defining Conservatism II – Facts on the Ground

A party that gives a motivational speaker ten times the support of a two-term governor of Utah, re-elected with 84 percent of the vote, with strong bipartisan credentials and an even stronger tax reform plan … well, it’s a party in free-fall that also doesn’t understand that it is.

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Defining Conservatism

Robin frames right-wing ideologies as impulses “to defend power and privilege against movements demanding freedom and equality.” These fighting words were taken up by Daniel Larison, writer and editor at the American Conservative,

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Speaking as a male-bodied “person”

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