
First they’d need something to say…

“These two should talk,” sez Rex in re:  Tony Blankley and Jennifer Rubin. Why?  Each one could probably have written the other’s work, and neither is saying anything that we all haven’t heard (and that many of us have said)

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“Why Israel and not other, far more egregious examples?”

I find a 1,000-to-1 fatality rule generally applies: Each person killed by the Israel Defense Forces warrants about as much international attention as 1,000 people killed by Africans, Russians, Indians, Chinese, or Arabs. That’s Victor Davis Hanson’s estimate, and, to

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Stand up for faceless bureaucrats!

Here’s Peggy Noonan in the WSJ reaching high indignation and alarm, after reviewing a general lack of federal preparedness for the aftermath of a WMD attack: After the inspector general’s report, Paul McHale, a former Democratic congressman from Pennsylvania who

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Fight Them All Together, The Sequel: On Allahpundit's Questions

Citing the New York Post in a post at HotAir, Allahpundit discusses apparent links between Cordoba Initiative founder Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf and the “Gaza flotilla.”  As AP is creditably careful to note, the linkage at this point remains tenuous: 

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Fight Them All Together: The Conservative Reaction to the "Ground Zero Mosque"

Why this building, there? Leaving aside some melodrama – “insane,” “looming horror,” “surrender” – that question sums up much conservative reaction to Cordoba House, a.k.a. “The Ground Zero Mosque,” a project of the the Cordoba Initiative (CI) that last week

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Look out below, the (other) sequel

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 23% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-five percent (45%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval

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Sarah Palin shouldn’t be pretending Glenn Beck is normal

No one much will ever likely care that Sarah Palin endorsed Glenn Beck in a puffy little capsule bio for Time Magazine’s 2010 list of 100 influential people, but I think it was a bad move for her – in

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The obligatory “problem with the problem with the Palin problem” post

Ian Lazaran at Conservatives for Palin, the go-to site for anyone interested in the Palin supporter’s side, raises some serious questions about Quin Hillyer’s “The Problem with Palin” – a piece whose title somewhat defeats the author’s numerous compliments to

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Paul Ryan on Real Progressivism

Many people believe Democracy obsolete. They are wrong. Obsolete is the one thing Democracy can never be. R. Buckminster Fuller – “No More Secondhand God” In responding to Rep. Paul Ryan’s speech to the Oklahoma Council on Public Affairs on

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I'm a cancer, he's a cancer, she's a cancer, we're a cancer…

Last night, J.E. Dyer replied to “The Point of Being Annoyed with Glenn Beck” (at HotAir here), and to related comments at her blog The Optimistic Conservative. (For anyone new to the discussion, “The Point…” was itself framed as a

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