Noted & Quoted

Programmers imagine the most ridiculous ways to enter a phone number into a form – Quartz

And this programmer suggested a way to avoid user input all together: @marypcbuk @Ploogle @paulomgaspar @jeffbonhag @stelian @ftrain @sbisson The final solution for this problem. — Ale/xander P. (@_iamale_) April 19, 2016 Eventually, programmers on Reddit started making fully-functioning,

Posted in Internet, Noted & Quoted, Web Design

Daniel W Drezner: Did President Trump do something wrong congratulating Erdogan? – The Washington Post

Trump actually congratulated Erdogan on the outcome. Trump apparently thought it was a good thing that, despite all the flaws in the process, a bare majority of Turkey’s citizens voted to strengthen their populist leader. I don’t think any other

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness Tagged with:

Stephen Sestanovich: The Brilliant Incoherence of Trump’s Foreign Policy – The Atlantic

He sensed that the public wanted relief from the burdens of global leadership without losing the thrill of nationalist self-assertion. America could cut back its investment in world order with no whiff of retreat. It would still boss others around,

Posted in Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness

Brian Beutler: Trump Would Fail Even Worse With Kushner’s Centrism – New Republic

As they war with the right, though, Trump and Kushner would gain no quarter from Democrats—unless Democrats were allowed to set the all the terms. This is Bannon’s central point. Democrats have no incentive to prop up Trump’s presidency for

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness, Politics

An Armada of Icebergs Has Just Invaded The North Atlantic – robertscribbler

This week an unprecedented 481 icebergs swarmed into the shipping lanes of a storm-tossed North Atlantic. Strong hurricane force winds had ripped these bergs from their sea ice moored haven of Baffin Bay and thrust them into the ocean waters

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Science Tagged with:

What Do Top Legal Experts Say About the Syria Strikes? – Just Security

Stephen Pomper, former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs, Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, National Security Council: Thursday night’s missile strikes have the potential to be enormously consequential, not just for Syria and the other

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted, The Exception, War Tagged with:

Hassan Hassan: US strikes mark a new turn in Syria and beyond. Destination unknown – The Guardian

Russia has insisted that it opposes any offensive in Raqqa that does not go through Damascus and Moscow. Unlike previous US-led offensives against Isis, the regime positioned its troops near the front lines in Raqqa, as well as between Raqqa

Posted in International Relations, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness, War Tagged with:

Jeffrey Goldberg: The Obama Doctrine, R.I.P. – The Atlantic

Even before he became president, Obama worried greatly about slippery slopes in the Middle East. In Syria, he understood that Assad would most likely survive an American missile strike on his airbases; the day after such strikes ended, Assad, Obama

Posted in International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness, War Tagged with:

Jonathan Chait: Republicans Are Going to Wish Hillary Clinton Won – New York

The power of ethnonationalism, which I tried to communicate in the story, is that it manipulates the most base and emotionally accessible ideas about politics. But that power is also a source of danger to the party that tries to

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness, Politics

David Frum: It’s Not Over Yet for Donald Trump – The Atlantic

Trump may be suffering, as the joke goes, the worst 100 days of any president since William Henry Harrison. His list of laws signed makes ludicrous reading: only 17 items including on March 31 (the final day of the 10th

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Operation American Greatness