
…lost the habit

…I’d like to write a post carrying forward the speculative theodicy of Trumpism, now in relation to the pandemic, the latter as a perfect supplying of the absence, a unification of isolated atomized individuals as and within the whole and

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Jacket X

Taylor - The Jacket

“The world of things calls for art, in which intellectual accession to being moves into enjoyment, in which the Infinity of the idea is idolized in the finite, but sufficient, image.” — Emmanuel Levinas

Posted in notes, Photography

Gutenberg: The Invention of the Printing Press, the Destruction of WordPress

Or at least that’s what some people seem to think about the new “page-builder” style editor with which seems to be planning to replace the current post editor…

Posted in notes, Using WordPress Tagged with: ,

While 2017 happens…

Man, Mower, Tornado

If not the very best picture of 2017 so far, the one below, which has been sweeping through Twitter, has to be in the running at least for best and most sympatico – “this man is all of us just

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Yearning for President Blog – OAG #9

The Tweet-storm, in the new era of President Tweet, remains a nostalgia-inducing afterimage of the blog and of the era of President Blog, but it may also portend a return or attempted return to coherent, accountable, and consequential civic discussion in a mass society, back from the Great Flood of clicks.

Posted in Internet, Meta, notes, Operation American Greatness, Twitter Tagged with:

Tweets toward an Inquiry into Inquiry, in relation to Ideologies

There are progressive and liberal ideologies or ideological constructs, but the desirability of progress and its attainment via rational and open (“liberal”) inquiry remain pre-conditions of any authentic (authentically “discursive”) discussion.

Posted in notes, Philosophy, Political Philosophy

Better Twitter Embeds 2: Stripping the Convo for the Sake of the Convo

A few months ago, I noted a technique for stripping Twitter embeds of extraneous conversation, involving setting the tweet attribute “data-conversation” to “none.” What I provided was more hack than add-on, and required a somewhat laborious process of copying the

Posted in notes, Twitter, Using WordPress, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: ,

Postscript to future historians from Xmas 2016 (OAG #8)

We would be compelled to conclude that something must have been (and very likely remains) profoundly wrong with a political culture or political media – of which Matthew Yglesias and Vox are, of course, typical parts – that could be dominated by an issue to be judged intrinsically trivial, and dominated to the point of determining eventual collective decisions of undoubted significance.

Posted in Internet, notes, Operation American Greatness

Operation American Greatness: Russiagate Links 19 Dec 2016

(updated as time permits)

Posted in notes

Operation American Greatness: Russiagate Links 15 Dec 2016

Posted in notes, Operation American Greatness, Politics, War