Off the Cuff

Testing Ajaxified Comments – Experiment Halted

Testing “Ajaxified Comments’ which may or may not be pretty darn terrific added to the main site.

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, Off the Cuff, Ordinary Times, WordPress Plug-Ins

U.S. Grant, Artistic Genius…

“Grant arrived at his operational vision through perceptual speed and a ‘gift of historic imagination,’ that enabled him to ‘take in at a glance the whole field of war, to form a correct opinion of every suggested and possible…campaign, their logical order and sequence, their relative value, and the interdependence of one upon the other.'”

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, Off the Cuff, Ordinary Times, The League Tagged with: , , , ,

OT Site Dev Sitrep

It’s OK to say “Heidegger” and “Wittgenstein” and to include up to three links in the body of your comments; I’m going to do a fingers-crossed changeover on the comment subscriptions system soon; you can now use either of two contact forms, general/editorial and support, available via the main menu under “Contact”; expect more tweaking as we work on bigger changes.

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, Off the Cuff, Ordinary Times, The League Tagged with: , ,