
Aleppo, D.C. (OAG #7)

The Fall of Aleppo and the virtual Fall of Washington are linked not just by the lead sponsors or perpetrators of such unimaginable or until recently unimaginable crimes, but by a long and apparently far from finished history of bipartisan and cooperative failures and omissions that, removed from context, provide illimitable opportunity for internecine partisan assault, and therefore for intensification of the underlying conditions of political paralysis and strategic hypochondria that made them possible, and that made events like them, and new ones, virtually certain.

Posted in Operation American Greatness, Politics, War

Alex Ross: The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming – The New Yorker

At some point over the summer, it struck me that the greater part of the media wanted Trump to be elected, consciously or unconsciously. He would be more “interesting” than Hillary Clinton; he would “pop.” That suspicion was confirmed the other day, when

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Bret Stephens: The System Didn’t Work – WSJ

The populist wave now cresting across much of the world is sometimes described as a revolt against globalization: immigrants failing to assimilate the values of their hosts, poorer countries drawing jobs from richer ones, and so on. But the root

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Jonathan Chait: The 2016 Election Is a Disaster Without a Moral – New York Magazine

The alliance of Trump’s corruption and Paul Ryan’s social Darwinism presents Democrats with the simplest messaging challenge any opposition party has faced in memory. The most unpopular nominee in the recorded history of polling managed to very, very narrowly beat

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Robert Bateman: The James Mattis I Saw Behind Closed Doors – Esquire

I think I know what Mattis is trying to do by accepting this position, and it is not because he supports Mr. Trump: Mattis is sacrificing himself. He knows that this will not end well, but he’s doing it in

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Brian Beutler: The Alternative to Obamacare Is Obamacare – New Republic

Democrats in 2005 didn’t have an artificial Social Security sunset to worry about. Today, there is a risk that refusing to collaborate with Republicans will prefigure a genuine policy catastrophe. But that would be the GOP’s catastrophe, they would own

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Matthew Yglesias: The case for normalizing Trump – Vox

Trump genuinely does pose threats to the integrity of American institutions and political norms. But he does so largely because his nascent administration is sustained by support from the institutional Republican Party and its standard business and interest group supporters.

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No One Can Say: Before Us (OAG #5)

We might say that it will likely be many years before we can reasonably pronounce the American project truly over, but the main reason we cannot say so is not that the evidence has still to be accumulated, the 10,000 simultaneous simulations run, and a probability estimate produced.

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No One Can Say: Absurdifaction (OAG #4)

…the dis-assembling assembly of disconnected yet interrelated not quite anythings, not quite somewhere, with which one might or might not perform something approaching or in some ways vastly exceeding, yet not possibly entailing, disagreement.

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No One Can Say: Context/Contest (OAG #3)

We or more of us than we suspected, a muster that will in time include many for now wrapped up in shock, and grief, and fear, and rage, and despair, seeing at best only the glimmers of new or renewed possibility, have welcomed or will welcome, will someday come to love the fire for revealing who if anyone is in fact out there.

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