
America agonistes

The exchange over the weekend between Rex and Fuster has helped me to organize some thoughts about American conservatism.  I hope to have something more hopeful or positive to say at a later time, but, in a way that I

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Americans planning American building project in America

Life’s too short to address everything that’s comically irrelevant and confused in Andrew C. McCarthy’s “Ground Zero Thought Experiment,” a what-if? exercise that opens with the destruction by “Christian extremists” of the holiest site in Islam, and that therefore, considering

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Imam Feisal’s great service

Imam Feisal’s main mistake was to think we might be as good as we like to pretend we are, as good as the people who thought they could build and deserve a 1,776′ tall “Freedom Tower.” (What kitsch! The only

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Karl@HotAir throws some more smoke bombs…

…claiming that charges of “bigotry” in the “anti-mosque” movement is an “hysterical” fantasy of “the left,” an effort merely to defame “all” opponents of Park51/Cordoba House/Ground Zero 911 Victory pro-Osama pro-Obama All-Desecrating Mega-Super-Duper-Auschwitz Pearl Harbor Totalitarian Mosque Mosque Mosque Mosque

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The Dual Covenant Reaction (Ground Zero for Intolerance)

Observing my exasperation with some founding Zombie Contenders, and declining to accept my excuses for rudeness, a certain amphibious e-mailer asked me what, after all, I expected, considering that this blog was originally founded for refugees from “ground zero for intolerance.”

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A voice in the rightwing wilderness

I still await news of a single statement at National Review or The Weekly Standard, or a single comment from a major Republican politician or conservative pundit, acknowledging that anyone on the right may have gone a bit too far

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Flamesem and Japesem (The Gates of Conservative Ijtihad Are Closed!)

If a politician mocked the Lord’s Prayer in an attack on sexually abusive Priests, in a manner that insulted all Christians; if a politician sneered at the Kaddish while describing civilian casualties of Israeli military operations, insulting all Jews… The

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Conservatives vs Islam – reply to Oceanaris

oceanaris – author of a blog post strongly, even uncharitably criticized in our thread discussion – began his rebuttal via comment as follows: perhaps if one considers the repeated victory chants of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Cairo or

Posted in History, Politics, Religion, War Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,

Voting with joy and other psychosocial diversions

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s governatorship will soon be drawing to a close, amidst dismal approval ratings.  Yet I recall that, as with perhaps no other vote I’ve cast since I reached voting age, I took pleasure in punching out the box next

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“Accessory to 9/11” – the Other(‘s) 9/11 Truth

J-Bone wrote: CKM, You wrote above, “US policy WAS an accessory to the crime of 9/11, in the way Rauf meant it . . . .” Can you elaborate? What was the “way that Rauf meant it”? I have not

Posted in International Relations, Politics, Religion, US History, War