The exchange over the weekend between Rex and Fuster has helped me to organize some thoughts about American conservatism. I hope to have something more hopeful or positive to say at a later time, but, in a way that I…
The exchange over the weekend between Rex and Fuster has helped me to organize some thoughts about American conservatism. I hope to have something more hopeful or positive to say at a later time, but, in a way that I…
…claiming that charges of “bigotry” in the “anti-mosque” movement is an “hysterical” fantasy of “the left,” an effort merely to defame “all” opponents of Park51/Cordoba House/Ground Zero 911 Victory pro-Osama pro-Obama All-Desecrating Mega-Super-Duper-Auschwitz Pearl Harbor Totalitarian Mosque Mosque Mosque Mosque…
I still await news of a single statement at National Review or The Weekly Standard, or a single comment from a major Republican politician or conservative pundit, acknowledging that anyone on the right may have gone a bit too far…
If a politician mocked the Lord’s Prayer in an attack on sexually abusive Priests, in a manner that insulted all Christians; if a politician sneered at the Kaddish while describing civilian casualties of Israeli military operations, insulting all Jews… The…
oceanaris – author of a blog post strongly, even uncharitably criticized in our thread discussion – began his rebuttal via comment as follows: perhaps if one considers the repeated victory chants of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Cairo or…
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s governatorship will soon be drawing to a close, amidst dismal approval ratings. Yet I recall that, as with perhaps no other vote I’ve cast since I reached voting age, I took pleasure in punching out the box next…