…say, “Howard!” …[T]here is a line—a very thin line—that art cannot or at least should not cross. And Shepard Fairey’s art in this case crosses that line. Art can and should stir passions. It should never incite or excuse violence.…
This ad from the Republican Trust PAC – over 100,000 views on YouTube – has been rejected by NBC and CBS for airing. Note the, um, not especially subtle symbolism used in the “starter” image: Though NBC spokesperson Jennifer Riley…
There is no outcry because our popular culture is thoroughly rotten. There reaches a point where you have to say it: I believe in evil. Satan is laughing. * * * I, too, believe in evil… (Don’t say that three…
John asks: If one is not actively trying to convert the other, professing good and evil, pushing revelation, is one having a political conversation? and can politics ever approximate an ideally-disinterested academic discussion, with its ways of mixing disinterested commentary…