
All in favor of thought control…

…say, “Howard!” …[T]here is a line—a very thin line—that art cannot or at least should not cross. And Shepard Fairey’s art in this case crosses that line. Art can and should stir passions. It should never incite or excuse violence.

Posted in Art, Politics

Van Jones vs Hot Air

Hehe … Van Jones you are admitted Communist and Truther. Nuff Said bro. HondaV65 on July 25, 2010 at 9:08 AM As of this writing, there are 35 comments on the HotAir headline thread referring to Van Jones’ NY Times

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East is West and West is East and Never the Met Are Twain (light posting)

[amazon-product]0393333566[/amazon-product]…when, a few months ago now, something about the “Ground Zero Mosque” controversy made me think of William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, I thought I was just reaching for a convenient allusion… especially regarding Islam I was

Posted in Books, History, Pets, Politics, Religion

Who “they” is

This ad from the Republican Trust PAC – over 100,000 views on YouTube – has been rejected by NBC and CBS for airing.  Note the, um, not especially subtle symbolism used in the “starter” image: Though NBC spokesperson Jennifer Riley

Posted in Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

All the little Tea Party Americans in the world

How odd and telling that in a Facebook post responding to an NAACP resolution on supposed Tea Party racism, Sarah Palin would create a new victimary group:  “Tea Party Americans.”  Palin uses this phrase five times in the post, even

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Flamesem & Japesem (while Laughing at the Ground)

There is no outcry because our popular culture is thoroughly rotten. There reaches a point where you have to say it: I believe in evil. Satan is laughing. * * * I, too, believe in evil… (Don’t say that three

Posted in Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

May the broken be uncircled

So, the other night I’m browsing around and notice that some people seem to think Sarah Palin compared Obama to Hitler – er, advocated a Hitler/Obama comparison – well, twittered a link to an article by Thomas Sowell that mentions

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Was I wacked at HotAir?

In a word, NOPE Didn’t happen, but I can see why some people might think it must have, especially anyone aware of the fact that I’ve been blogging away as usual or even more so, yet not publishing at the

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Dialogue with John: Sacred Texts/Tests

John asks: If one is not actively trying to convert the other, professing good and evil, pushing revelation, is one having a political conversation? and can politics ever approximate an ideally-disinterested academic discussion, with its ways of mixing disinterested commentary

Posted in International Relations, Politics, Religion, War Tagged with: , , , , , ,

The Moon will probably still be there later on…

Reacting to the “zeroing out” of manned space flight in NASA’s budget – something forecasted months ago, but, according to reports, now a step closer to reality – Dafydd ab Hugh sounds some familiar themes, fortissimo, from the HotAir Greenroom

Posted in Politics, Science Tagged with: , , ,