
Zionism in the balance…

Hirsch produces the form of an argument that, to whatever extent it is understood on its own terms, as accurately attributing to Zionism an un- or anti-Christian as well as illiberal essence, may make the Zionist position more difficult to sustain politically in a Judeo-Christian and broadly liberal national political culture: Zionism appears in Hirsch’s claims as an affront to the liberal-universalist commitments that define the United States of America aspirationally, and at the same time, for Americans who understand their Americanism as a nationalism, as a geographically concretized proxy ethnicity, as a fatally alien interest, subject to continual re-weighing in whichever balance.

Posted in Books, Featured, History, Neo-Imperialism, Religion Tagged with:

Richard Dawkins’ Ignorance (a theological fact to learn)

The notion of a non-existence of theological fact is the opposite of the atheist thought, which originates in, constitutes, and upholds a position on its own absolute theological facticity. The doubt as to the existence of theological fact at all would be the beginning of the agnostic or possibly the anismic, not the atheist, inquiry.

Posted in Anismism, notes, Philosophy, Religion Tagged with: , ,

Mouth to Mouth (Report from the War on Xmas)

The violence of [the] claim takes revenge upon it

Posted in Anismism, Philosophy, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Because “The question ‘what is God?’ is impossible” (amended version of comment at @thinking_reed’s blog)

The inquiry into what we mean when we invoke the name of the deity would both determine and be determined by the result of the inquiry into what we mean when we refer to ourselves. They are nearly the same inquiry, or two different aspects of a single inquiry, which is at the same time an inquiry into inquiry – the possibility of inquiry at all and the point of inquiry at all.

Posted in Anismism, Philosophy, Religion

The Iran Deal Concretely 2

The absolute sentence on the Islamic Republic, like the indictment of the West from within Iran, is based on and designed to justify and reinforce mutual hostility and exclusion. In effect the enemy image is circular and self-validating, hermetically self-sealing. To accept it and at the same time to favor meaningful negotiations would be paradoxical, a seeking of common ground under the presumption of its absence. We have already examined the alternative perspective, which offers no guarantees, but points to the absurdity, or the pathology, of an approach that always ends and must end where it also always begins, at “the worst very much still before us,” re-producing itself perpetually until signifier becomes indistinguishable from signified. If neither the Islamic Republic nor America nor the West nor the alliance of Maccabees and Pilgrims is susceptible to evolution at all, if they are (if there can be) eternally static and unitary entities, perfectly and imperviously self-sufficient, then there is nothing to analyze or discuss – or negotiate – at all, and what is presented as if analytical will amount to the extended recapitulation of non-negotiable and inalterable premises, from the worst to the worst, over and over again, til Kingdom come.

Posted in History, International Relations, Neo-Imperialism, Philosophy, Religion Tagged with: ,

Rosenzweig’s Pre-Emption – Part II

“It wants to be implored with both hands.”

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Rosenzweig’s Pre-Emption (of Strauss) – Part I

“Divine truth hides from the one who reaches for it with one hand only.”

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This Year in Jerusalems

The new identity replaces the old one, and, where it does not appear as an amalgam of contradictions and imitations, it puts dimly grasped and highly uncertain possibilities next to moral deprivation: self-realization as self-annihilation in the current epoch, which also cannot be understood except as a product – result as well as aftermath – of another equation in a parallel format.

Posted in Anismism, Religion Tagged with: , , ,

too strongly felt by all to be reasonably discussed at all

That a question is easily polemicized is a sure sign that it is too deep for polemics, which never stops anybody, of course.

Posted in History, notes, Religion

Two Onto-Theo-Anthropological Hypotheses

Today we begin with our latest endings.

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