
Will’s Affront (An Untimely Post)

An American conservative attitude toward the nature of crime, as committed by individuals against individuals, and as naming specific acts – not “rape is rape” and “no is no,” but “only real rape is rape” and “only a real no is no” – may prevent conservatives from saying what they really mean: that in fact they agree about the existence of a rape culture, but disagree as to who the real perpetrators have been and are.

Posted in Featured, Internet, notes, Philology, Untimely Tagged with: , , , ,

Logically Congenital Defect

A discussion at the Practical Ethics blog happens to provide a typical example of an inquiry that treats the re-discovery of its own presumptions under different terms as validation, this time under the heading of sexual morality. The defect in

Posted in Marriage of Equality and Inequality, Philosophy, Untimely Tagged with: , ,

ultranatural (2)

“God” would be in addition to whatever else or not a name that returns us to that never fully displaced, or as-only-displaced, “my” in its universal quasi-adjacency to any all and all particularity or “the any”: the pure or originary natural, the natural itself or ultranatural.

Posted in Anismism, Philology, Philosophy, Religion, Science, Untimely Tagged with: , , , ,

Dream of a Better Dream

The American Dream of its own self-surpassing.

Posted in Philosophy, Politics, Untimely, US History Tagged with: , , , , ,