As Rex noted in an e-mail, we again see conservative hawks and radical Islamists on the same side of an issue. They both want a war with Iran. Bruce Riedel – “Al Qaeda Plans for War With Israel” – channels…
oceanaris – author of a blog post strongly, even uncharitably criticized in our thread discussion – began his rebuttal via comment as follows: perhaps if one considers the repeated victory chants of hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Cairo or…
John asks: If one is not actively trying to convert the other, professing good and evil, pushing revelation, is one having a political conversation? and can politics ever approximate an ideally-disinterested academic discussion, with its ways of mixing disinterested commentary…
Walter Russell Mead was one of the two writers I quoted with respect and approval in yesterday’s “The Cost of Islamophobia” post, as I believed his analysis of Turkey’s predicament supported the insistence on distinctions between different types of political,…
If you’re going to declare someone else to be insane, your diagnosis will be easier to credit if it’s not couched in absurdities. Here’s the conclusion of Gabriel Schoenfeld’s post today at The Weekly Standard blog: The outpouring of condemnation from…