I learned a lot WordPressing at OT, and wish the best to everyone over there – a group that as a matter of fact still includes me, if in a much-reduced role. So, you’re welcome, and right backatcha.
These are all free fonts, mostly from Google Fonts (hardly the only foundry, but free and highly functional, and easy to use). I’ve also thrown in a few “web safe fonts” – fonts everyone has and a lot of people still use – so don’t be embarrassed if you find yourself liking the most generic font there is, the one you just got through saying you never wanted to see again.
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Everything you know is wrong, and everything you like is evil and harmful. Did you see that thing? What a thing that thing is! America is pretty great. America is pretty bad. [ ] are pathetic, but you – you’re pretty darn terrific. Commenting on blogs is a complete waste of time. Everyone should support web developers financially to the very limit of ability to pay. RTod was right about something. This thing is/isn’t working.
One Giant Leap for Ordinary Gentlepersonkind (Commenter Ignore Button Use Case)
“The reality is, on any public forum there is going to be a peanut gallery, and I’ve never seen a moderation policy that can quite eliminate them, but not eliminate interesting people who I want to hear from. So, culled lists, either individually (as here) or collectively (as was needed in a larger space such as Twitter), are a fine thing. They make a forum far more pleasant to use.”