…changes in how comments “new since last visit” are defined and displayed.
This “sub-blog” or “sub-site” or blog on the “League” network-to-be or network-to-be-again is still in development – kind of “open beta.” If you stumble across it, you are welcome to leave a comment, or drop me a line, or make suggestions, or raise issues about site functionality and so on, but “Developing…” hasn’t been fully developed or “officially rolled out.” It should be taken as a “draft” in both form and content. Eventually, if all goes well, it will be one of several and then of many and eventually of very many and many varied similar and not so obviously similar sites or sub-sites.
“Grant arrived at his operational vision through perceptual speed and a ‘gift of historic imagination,’ that enabled him to ‘take in at a glance the whole field of war, to form a correct opinion of every suggested and possible…campaign, their logical order and sequence, their relative value, and the interdependence of one upon the other.'”
Submitted for your consideration and feedback: “State of the Discussion,” “Comments This Thread,” “Commenter Archives.” Also: Old-Yellering “Gifts of Gab.”