The easiest and most common way to begin making, or at least seeking, monetary returns on a blog or other site is to add a “tip jar” or donation link. This tutorial will consist of multiple posts, initially focused on beginners.
The easiest and most common way to begin making, or at least seeking, monetary returns on a blog or other site is to add a “tip jar” or donation link. This tutorial will consist of multiple posts, initially focused on beginners.
TNR has addressed the image treatment/article heading problems we earlier this year filed under “discounted countenance” and “face of the faceless.” I never attempted to capture all aspects of that prior design or re-design or pre-re-re-design, but other elements have also been adjusted, with mixed to dysfunctional results.
I like a human, or organic, or physical sense for a site, sometimes tending to skeuomorphism – erring on the side of familiar and user-friendly, especially with older and non-technologically inclined internet users in mind.
…unless you happen to be the proud parent or yearning lover of one of the two individuals in closed dialogue, the video element of the presentation will cease being interesting within seconds, under a constant implication that even the smallest amount of the most primitive editing or camera movement would radically relieve the visual tedium and quite possibly enhance the content…
Just to note, the disrupted formatting issue on Relevanssi search seems to have been solved, but the solution led to new complications and new open issues currently under discussion and unresolved with the developer. In short, there was an initial…