Web Design

Commenter Ignore Button 0.99

Now in “Late Beta” – and, for a limited time, I’ll offer free styling, installation, and configuration to anyone who wants to try it out!

Posted in Meta, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with:

Is This Solution for Caches vs Cookies Going to Get Me in Trouble?

I added the line to my jQuery script, and, *voila!*, WPSC, W3 Total Cache, and Comet Cache are all acting like I want them to. After I use the script, and reload, I get fresh pages.

Posted in WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: ,

Commenter Ignore Button Preview Video

With this #WordPress Plugin I bestow upon humankind the greatest gift that has ever been given it so far…

Posted in Internet, Videos, WordPress Plug-Ins

Troll-Stomping and Other Sensible Things: #WordPress Plug-In Beta Test/Preview

It occurred to me the other day or week that it wouldn’t be hard to create a jQuery-enabled ignore button, and it wouldn’t be too hard to add cookies to make the ignoring persistent, and it wouldn’t be too hard to un-ignore, too. While I was at it, and feeling that enabling ignore was kind of negative, how about making it possible to highlight commenters using about the same methods used to ignore them, or particular comments, so they’re easy to pick out in a thread?

Posted in Meta, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: , ,

The Surprising 1960s Origins Of Hillary’s Official Typeface – Co.Design 

At its core, the design of Sharp Sans is based upon the circle. When you look at Sharp Sans, you can see that every curve is circular, from the aperture of the “o” to the inner curve of the “s.”

Posted in Noted & Quoted, Politics, Web Design

The Ad-Blocking Browser That Pays the Sites You Visit – WIRED

The idea of funding content with micropayments even predates the web itself. But Brendan Eich, the controversial engineer who helped build the popular Mozilla web browser and created JavaScript—the most widely used programming language on the web—has a plan to

Posted in Internet, Monetization, Noted & Quoted Tagged with: ,

Brendan Eich: Introducing Brave Payments – Brave Blog

As part of our 0.11.6 release of Brave for desktop today, we are pleased to announce the beta version of Brave Payments, our Bitcoin-based micropayments system that can automatically and privately pay your favorite websites. For the first time in

Posted in Internet, Monetization, Noted & Quoted

Drilling a Hole in the Universe with WP_Query in a Shortcode

Placing a post whose content would include a version of the post itself (containing a version of the post itself, and so on) produces a site-crashing “reset overload” (ERR_CONNECTION_RESET). It’s easy to create the danger inadvertently, but also easy to prevent.

Posted in Using WordPress, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: , , , ,

Scrap It 2

A salvage of residual value might still be possible, and a rescue or turnaround remains conceivable even now, but I would not be surprised if by this time next year there is no “Ordinary Times.”

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times

Scrap It and Start Over

A failure presents a limited range of options: scrap, salvage, or repair. Though it feels like we’ve done this before, let’s try “repair” one more time. Why? The site makes no sense as an enterprise – decreasingly as any kind

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, Internet