Using WordPress

Customizing the Intercom Launcher for WordPress

TrekFed Custom Intercom Launcher

Intercom is a relatively recently created cross-platform messaging tool, in use at around 25,000 sites, whose “Inbox” app or sub-app can work as a slick customer support/interaction alternative to older systems like ZenDesk. It will work out of the virtual

Posted in Using WordPress, Web Design

Gutenberg: The Invention of the Printing Press, the Destruction of WordPress

Or at least that’s what some people seem to think about the new “page-builder” style editor with which seems to be planning to replace the current post editor…

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One Giant Leap for Ordinary Gentlepersonkind (Commenter Ignore Button Use Case)

“The reality is, on any public forum there is going to be a peanut gallery, and I’ve never seen a moderation policy that can quite eliminate them, but not eliminate interesting people who I want to hear from. So, culled lists, either individually (as here) or collectively (as was needed in a larger space such as Twitter), are a fine thing. They make a forum far more pleasant to use.”

Posted in Ordinary Times, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: ,

Exterminating the Non-Breaking Space Bug

O layout mutilator! O blogger humiliator!

Posted in Using WordPress, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: , ,

Nested Comments Unbound 1.0 Now Available from the WordPress Repo

Enable open-ended maximum depth for nested comments, preserve comment-reply-links for all comments, keep the results readable.

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Better Twitter Embeds 2: Stripping the Convo for the Sake of the Convo

A few months ago, I noted a technique for stripping Twitter embeds of extraneous conversation, involving setting the tweet attribute “data-conversation” to “none.” What I provided was more hack than add-on, and required a somewhat laborious process of copying the

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Commenter Ignore Button Plug-In Now Available from the WordPress Repo

Commenter Ignore Button (CIB) lets a user to put one or more commenters “on ignore.” To have such an option enabled is a frequent request at blogs and other sites where comment threads are plagued by trolls or other problematic commenters, but where site operators prefer to err on the side of open discussion – or don’t want to get involved unless they really have to. Once users become generally aware of the option, people just seeking attention may either be more polite or move somewhere else, while regular commenters – and lurkers – may become more willing to engage.

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Ignoring in “Illdy”: A CIB Adaptation to a “Bootstrapped” Theme (Case Study)

If you’re not able to perfect your theme yourself, or not willing to hire a designer, then being a perfectionist is unrealistic. Yet just getting good enough on first glance results when adding CIB to customized comment templates, even before fine-tuning, may require some more complicated work. For those intimidated by the prospect, here is an example of curing the output on one typically atypical theme.

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Adding Multiple Image Selection to WordPress Plug-Ins

WordPress Multiple Image Selection in jQuery

Posted in Web Design, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: , ,

Commenter Ignore Button 0.99

Now in “Late Beta” – and, for a limited time, I’ll offer free styling, installation, and configuration to anyone who wants to try it out!

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