Using WordPress

In-Reply-To and Infinite Replies

Over at OT, I have added a variation on automatic “In Reply To” commenting links, which I believe may once have been more common, and which some users find helpful in sorting out long discussions, especially in nested comment threads

Posted in notes, Web Design, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: , , ,

In-Reply-To Linking and Comment Subscriptions

Two changes affecting commenting, one simple, one complicated.

Posted in Developing Ordinary Times, WordPress Plug-Ins Tagged with: , ,

Customizing WordPress Search with Relevanssi

This is the first of what I intend to be a series of notes on WordPress and general installation, customization, development issues. I’ll mainly try to note what I’m doing as I do it, though in future entries I may also seek to catch up on and review what I’ve learned over the course of years working with WordPress and other Open Source applications, from my first efforts hacking PHP, CSS, and JAVA code that I only just barely understood, to writing my first functions and plug-ins the “right way” or as right as I can figure out how to do it.

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Two New Sites

Installed and designed two new sites: Anam Cara Yoga Studio and Wright Turn Only.

Posted in Internet, Using WordPress, Web Design Tagged with: