Anarchism being consistent & honest about about anti elitism (that no one should rule anyway, period), as compared to conservatism pretzeling itself over how to sell stiffer class & social roles to a broader base than the country club set, I would say sets it apart.

"More Intellectually serious populism" suggests a measure of the same elite whittling of acceptable opinion that populism classically reacts against. The conflict of American Conservatism between nods towards majoritarian cultural protectionism & praise of (ideologically defined...) Common Folks on one hand, versus defense of social & economic hierarchy to the extent of assumption that elites are essential to civilization itself on the other -- it regenerates even in attempts to somehow destroy it. That snake will never go hungry off its own tail.

In a way, the weird neo-monarchist type fringe of the fringe of alt-right has a point: if you like hierarchy so much, rulers might as well have crowns. Normal conservative thought continues this "let's have hierarchy & tight social rules but call it liberty" dance instead.