I've only scratched the surface of what can be done to organize long and complicated threads visually - for example:

It will be hard or impossible to make out from the image at thread size, but in addition to the color-coding, we can also make depth > n smaller and more squozen together. There's another tool available (not yet in the plugin, but used in the other comment format at this site) for instantly collapsing sub-threads, which may also help. As would commenter-highlighting.

(For instance - stress level jumped when it seemed that your comment wasn't indenting right, but the fact that I was replying to myself replying to myself replying, etc., an unusual thing for a comment thread, and that you were replying to an earlier reply, not my most recent reply-to-reply-to-reply-etc. led me to the wrong expectation about where your comment should align... actually everything is OK-ish.)

Thanks - tho still have to see about a couple o' things, especially as applied to unique environments like this one...

Yep. I can relax now maybe kind of.

So... here we go?

This one at 4, and, if the next comment doesn't turn toward the left, I may weep... or anyway check my settings.

This one should be at 3.

So this comment, replying to the first one, should be at Depth 2.

We're starting to nest at level 4 on this rather genteel blog.