CK MacLeod on June 4, 2009 at 10:13 AM

Yeah I conceded the fractiousness of India will ensure that it is very difficult to become a superpower, however it is different from fragmenting politically. Reg Ian McDonald I am familiar with his work and he doesn't strike as particularly knowledgeable about India. As I wrote earlier, it is not the first time people have predicted demise of India, I will against betting on it though.

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 9:24 AM

I think you are confusing Shubh Labh with Swastika. Although Shubh Labh is accompanied by Swastika, Shubh Labh doesn't mean Swastika which is almost found everywhere in India. Anyway you don't need to apologize. I can understand your feeling.


JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 9:17 AM

The enjoyment was mutual

Shubh Labh (Shubh = Favorable, Labh = Profit)

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 9:10 AM

Well there is always Dharma. :-D

Gaurav on June 4, 2009 at 9:06 AM

I meant attain Moksha

I have often thought the same about Naipaul.

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 9:01 AM

You think Naipaul induces headache :-D

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 8:59 AM

Actually scripture wise in order to attain one can only become ascetic after being a householder.

Plus there is nothing wrong with sex as long as it is in moderation. :-D

There’s Buddhism for that

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 8:47 AM

It is my understanding that among western atheists Buddhism or what I term intellectual Buddhism is popular. Anyway the differences betweens Hinduism and Buddhism are so complicated as to induce headache.

As for US, it will survive, but like England, will become something different
JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 8:40 AM

It is possible, but I feel that despite England being the mother country US is markedly difference in being robust about its identity. I think it comes from pride in being the frontier of human endeavor.

The negative I see is that the lack of att’n on the here and now often allows for things which would be improved in other societies.

Precisely ! In fact a propensity to renounce worldly possession and become ascetic has been one of the recurrent features of Hinduism, so much so that there are actual injunctions against able bodied males becoming ascetic before they have discharged familial responsibilities. Naipaul also observed this elasticity.

The key Hindu concept of dharma - the right way, the sanctioned way, which all men must follow, according to their natures - is an elastic concept.
At its noblest it combines self-fulfillment and truth to the self with the ideas of action as duty, action as its own spiritual reward, man as a holy vessel.
India was trampled over, fought over. You had the invasions and you had the absence of a response to them. There was an absence even of the idea of a people, of a nation defending itself.
Only now are people beginning to understand that there has been a great vandalizing of India. The movement is now from below. It has to be dealt with. It is not enough to abuse these youths or use that fashionable word from Europe, 'fascism', There is a big, historical development going on in India.
What is happening in India is a new historical awakening....Indian intellectuals, who want to be secure in their liberal beliefs, may not understand what is going on. But every other Indian knows precisely what is happening: deep down he knows that a larger response is emerging even if at times this response appears in his eyes to be threatening.

India: A Million Mutinies Now

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 8:35 AM

Actually it is a two way street, even though I eagerly follow the discussion involving Christianity on HotAir, Christian premise is so outside my life experience I am unable to grasp it. Same goes for Dawkinsian Atheism, or controversy around evolution.

Here is the boa quote

"Hinduism is a conglomeration of beliefs and rituals; although it lacks missionaries its power of assimilation is immense.It does not know conversion in the Christian or Muslim sense,but it practices, with great success,appropriation. Like an enormous metaphysical boa, Hinduism slowly and relentlessly digests foreign cultures,gods,languages and beliefs."

'In Light of India'

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 8:25 AM

Don't feel so despondent over US. You guys are fabulous*. Again I may be wrong, but from what I understand Americans are so argumentative politically because you can afford to by virtue of geography. I am sure that when the need arises Americans will stand as one to defend US.

* On the other hand, I really don't understand why should US inflict American Idol on rest of the world.

y thoughts are that Hinduism (speaking of cacophony) is an endlessly elastic glue, which allows India to stretch without breaking

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 7:50 AM

Less charitably Octavio Paz termed Hinduism as metaphysical boa constrictor

JiangxiDad on June 4, 2009 at 7:50 AM

I think it boils down to the background of analysts. IMO western experience is so different from eastern, any analysis by person steeped in one culture of the other is so bound to be tricky.

Reg. China, the reason I am optimistic (for lack of other words)is that it has a sense of its antiquity. For social contract to exist common religious experience is not necessary, it would be more accurate that a common identity is foundation of social contract. Now for modern west it is common religious heritage* however that was not always in the post, Greco-Roman contracts were result of common identity which were mostly, but not always, tribal in origin. In China as well as India identity is provided by the shared history. The only difference in case of India is it is difficult to demarcate between the civilization (Indic) and religion (Hinduism).

* In my opinion American experience while clearly effected by religion is as much about shared history of frontier dwellers.

Gaurav on June 4, 2009 at 6:36 AM

Hasty writing. Please read
"determination to humiliation of colonial era" as "determination to erase humiliation of colonial era"
and "Hence I don’t think there is any likelihood of" as "Hence I don’t think there is any likelihood of China breaking up any time soon"

Hi I am late and most probably this thread has gone cold but any how my two cents.

1. Overall the analysis is good, however the primary challenge to US will be economic and military. So having strongest navy is not of much relevance

2. I think you and (by extension) Friendman are underestimating China. I am not an expert on China but from what I understand its younger generation is fired by the determination to humiliation of colonial era and restore China to its rightful place as befits the oldest civilization. Hence I don't think there is any likelihood of As an aside, I have observed that many westerners can't fully grasp the impact of colonialism on the the psyche of colonized. I think it should be taken into account.

3. Reg. India as an Indian I don't think India is going to be major global player for one India is not aggressive second its cacophonous democracy distracts it from long term strategic planning. Having said that I won't bet on India breaking up any time soon. It is a mistake many western observer have made, in fact one of the reason British acquiesced to creation of Pakistan was they thought India was unviable and Pakistan a more stable polity because it was based on a single factor will be helpful in securing British interest in the region. Funny how it turned out :-)