Been a long time since I looked into those, but, as I think you know, I’m a Blake fan.

Blake is the all time master of polarities/oppositions,except that he creates Epic/Mythic characters each positioned against the next,and as his characters disintegate into sub-characters,like atoms into quarks,those subcharacters line up against the opposite subcharacter,in a dynamic process.
At my age,what I do is go to the Blake Dictionary by Samuel Foster Damon,he did all the hard work,and I just get to enjoy in peace and quiet. I made the reference to Blake above,because his understanding of disintegration,as well as Force & Counter Force,is a roapmap to our disintegration in the face of our extreme political,social,legal,philosophical,international,and economic challanges. Blakes charactor,Urizen,is of particular relevance.

miguel cervantes wrote:
Because we don’t do time travel, RC

Why would it matter if a Mosque predated 9/11,hallowed ground is always hallowed ground,and Islam doesn't qualify.? Besides,that Mosque could be a hotbed of terrorist activity.

"Hallowed Ground"/Muslims Stay Away, Should we Eminent Domain the Mosque that sits even closer and tear it down? Why Not?

"Obama’s actions last summer and fall, were much like JFK in the twin crisis of the Freedom Riders"

Ending Discrimination on Buses
In 1960, a Supreme Court Decision ruled that segregation was illegal in bus stations that were open to interstate travel. Civil rights activists started taking Freedom Rides. This meant that black and white people, Freedom Riders, would travel around the South in buses to test if the new law worked. In some places, like Alabama, people would attack the Freedom Riders because they didn’t want to change. President Kennedy supported the Freedom Riders. By the fall of 1961, the Interstate Commerce Commission further helped civil rights by saying all seating in interstate buses would be "without reference to race, color, or creed" and that all terminals would be integrated. This means that everyone can sit wherever they want on a bus even if they look different or believe in something other than what most people do

Fuster/"has bad breath and breast feeds goats and gardeners because of incorrect readings of the Koran.
therefore a witch.

I got this part,but thanks for the other.

please TRANSLATE #9 for me,THANKS

economic hollowing-out

Here's the point,Economics has to make sense,if it doesn't,it's not economics,it's an agenda. Alsi,I do know where some,not all,the bodies are buried.

CK/"the already-pastness of the uniquely American mission in the world.

But,the fascination is,of course,the Rough Beast we shall Morph into,and,the discussion is, were we Unique to anyone besides ourselves? We had a big roll out 1800-2000. But did the Pride/Energy that generated the Rollout become the Hybris/Calcification of the UniPower.
See Blakes' longer Poems,Four Zoas,Milton,Jeruselam for profound insight on these Epic Events.


For me,one of the Achilles Heels at Contentions was their Opinion that our current form of "Capitalism" is actually Capitalistic/Free Marketish,rather than the Financial,Governmental,Military Complex that that has forged this new format. In other words,we now have full blown Debtialism* which contrasted with functional Capitalism,is like Contrasting Superman to Bizarro.
I agree with you that any "Open" discussion of Israel rather than the Party Line,was very bad form.

*Let me give you an example. We are all aware that corporations have Cash "Reserves" equal to $1.3 Trillion,yet aren't expanding with hiring/capital purchases etc. That's because most of the cash is debt that not only has to be paid back.short term-long term,but zeros out the cash assets on the Balance sheet. So,without demand,it is entirely understable why they aren't using their Cash,they have no cash,just debt,BTW,which,much of it, could be called if the Creditors get jitterly.

"or maybe it’s the completion of a process that’s been under way for a long time."

I was attracted to the "process" after 9/11 when I was blogging with JPOD at the NYPost,and I observed some very rigid processing going on. I was familiar with NPOD's "Conversion",and I found his defense of the Vietnam War very informative,but hollow at the core. Paraphrasing his defense,The Vietnam War was a logical result of our Foreign Policy from Truman thru JFK,therfore,any argument against it was an argument against US Foreign Policy from 1945-1963 etc etc,a bit circular,but his Vietnam treatise was a work of Genius compared to his WW4 book. I followed JPOD to Contentions where the Depth of the "Process" was like a powerful magnet,and I had a great time there arguing with a range of Brilliant to demented contentionsistas,but the Contentions pundits themselves were awfully Insular,and then they recruited JRUB,as their HITMAN. They were smart in ending Comments on Contentions,we were eating them alive.

CK/Among conservative Christians, “dual covenant” doctrine, which recognizes the status of the Jews’ and urges Christians to support Israel, helped to solidify a political and religious-cultural coalition, under a worldview increasingly described in terms of “Judeo-Christianity.”

I'm aware of an older Conservative Christian "Doctrine" which predated the Paleo niche,I'm referring to the WFB Jr/NR constellation 1955-89. The major focus was Christian Values vs Communism,Nihilism,Atheism as expressed in the drama of the Cold War. The major figures of this era were besides Buckley,Malcom Muggeridge,Solzhenitsyn,Whittaker Chambers,James Burnham etc etc with its deeper tradition based on Augustine,Acquinas,moving forward through Newman,Burke,Smith,Locke,etc etc. WFB Firing Line was in its day,the most popular expression of this tradition,and it wasn't at all propagandistic,Firing Line allowed the most brilliant opponents of the above tradition a full and respectful opportunity to present their opinions in excruciating detail. Firing Line was one of the most important parts of my education,it taught me to think,to debate,and to discern the tactics of conceptualization. It is exactly the virtues of the WFB,NR,Firing Line entity that is missing from NRO,Weekly Standard,Commentary,and other parts of the NEO-RIGHT today. I miss WFB,no one today,Left,Right,Center can match his ability to illuminate.