@ miguel cervantes: No, you can't convince me,narc, because I know some of them and I know what they were doing and what they meant.

miguel cervantes wrote:

You mean like anyone on the Journolist

can't understand what you could possibly mean here, miggy.
what you sayin'?
do you know anybody on journolist? everybody on journolist?
do you know the names of the people from journolist?

@ CK MacLeod:

good link and pretty convincing because the organization links to what they disapprove about Rauf as well as debunking the claim against him.

@ miguel cervantes:
That didn't stop you from repeating the claim, so why should it stop you from repeating the justification?

@ miguel cervantes: My powers are vast and used for evil.

You may provide something from Cairo.

I shall wickedly amuse myself while waiting.


Not like this.

narc, give us some quotes from Rauf in Cairo and KL, please.

@ miguel cervantes:

you can't seem to avoid taking stuff and making muckshakes in that Whirling Blender in your head.
Where the heck did you come up with tossing

the notion
of civil trials for KSM and company

into the mess?

It's not even a civil trial that you're talking about, it's a criminal trial, you whirligiggler.

and it's the best and most effective way of dealing with KSM.

Hell, i thought that we're the elderly.

comment #9 says that

anyone who thinks that this mosque should be in New York commits the murder of Iranian girls and the disenfranchisement of nations, supports terrorism as governance for South America, has bad breath and breast feeds goats and gardeners because of incorrect readings of the Koran.

therefore a witch.

support for Israel wasn't what I found in contentions. I found total denial of any room for reasonable disagreement with any of the excesses in Israel's actions and an utter refusal to comprehend that Israel was being opposed by human beings, not slavering fiendish caricatures.
I have a deep loathing for the Iranian regime and Hezbollah and Hamas, but attempting to portray the mass of Palestinians and Lebanese people as other than enthusiastic supporters for genocide and butchery was not the mission at contentions and not acceptable to the bulk of contentions commenters.