Comments on Karl@HotAir throws some more smoke bombs… by miguel cervantes

I was using the term from Huntington's essay, I'm from Miami remember, you've seen "Burn Notice" the Casablanca of the America's'

Actually that was Ali who has seen both sides of the 'bloody borders'
in Huntington's terms, it's been a long time since the right has really indulged in his terminology, even the situation is somewhat accurate

Well no CK, take Hassan, the 7/7 bombers, Shahzad, Aulaqi himself where do they belong on the axis, they are Western Educated middle
class, yet totally alienated from the socio-political structure

Well where is the line drawn in Kenya, Holland, or America, the issue is something I'm somewhat familiar with, enclave formation, just as with
ban lieus that are no go zones in Paris we have similar patterns in London, Munich, et al

Ironically, this administration has embraced those regimes more
forcefully, at Al Azhar a stone's throw from the Citadel, where
they do torture with 'relish and mustard' and mustard over there, as well as the acquiescence to the Alawite clique in Damascus and the Pasdaran kingmakers in Tehran

As a special assistant or coordinator (in the parlance, a commisar) wielded a great deal of influence, in conjunction with the likes of Holdren, the character from Fringe, Sunstein, and Mark Lloyd the
Chavista cheerleader

It's part of his 'give them the wealth' initiative, which means foreclosing
oil, gas, coal, on federal property in favor of the same wind and solar
scams that have sunk the Spanish economy under Zapatero

Uncovering Van Jones and his green jobs scam, Mark Loyd and his attempted Chavezization of the media, :Fairness Doctrine plus, the
propaganda effort out of NEA, Justice, et al, the other players in the Climate Change scam, the really noxious parts of the stimulus and
how they are being deployed to create a crisis

No, Colin after surveying all the players, Beck came out against. It's
remarkable really you chose not to consider any evidence of at best, Imam Rauf's insensitivity, at worst active complicity with Wahhabi/
Deobandi elements which have an annoying habit of reoccurring. Newt and hyperbolic,