Comments on Whitmanegger by miguel cervantes

Well we're seeing in France and Greece, how that philosophy manifests itself, his intention, expressed through the policies he wnts to pursue, make this almost a fait accompli. the Beck warning about the "Invisible Committee' was quite prescient, on the subject,

He's a fool, that 'more welfare than jobs' quip that you had no problem, I concur with Whitman's half hearted effort after 120 million dollars including the 90K a month to Mike Murphy, seems to show a lack of imagination, her opposition to Prop 19, is another flag, found another Ronstadt clip, because that is the saving grace

And hence, California draws deeper into the depths, as if dragged by the Old Ones, the Democrats in large part, blocked the reforms, as they demagogued Fannie & Freddie, when other's inquired of it's
solvency, and were all rewarded, Biden, Dodd, Frank, Conrad, Obama, every one received their thirty pieces of silver, for their efforts. Some may finally be held accountable in this term, Some like Cuomo, seem to prosper from their mistakes. Brown likewise whitewashed ACORN's malfeasance and the Working Families Party came through for him. I think his staff's rather vituperative complaint, was that not everyone would go along with him

No, the tea party comes from a different mindset than the Moral Majority, although like a Venn diagram, it shares part of the cohort

He sold out, and there was no consistent voice, that really held him to account, this why the TP cannot be a temporary thing, for this election.

That is not the lesson, one could consider the recall and Schwartzenegger's part in it, as a precursor to the Tea Party, the problem is, after a year or so, Arnold capitulated to the 'special interests' and became what he ran against, his support for Prop 23, is a case in point. Darrell Issa was a prime mover in the first effort, not so much in the second, and he's floated trial balloons about cooperation with the Democrats,