Well he had Roger Stone on his payroll, and he amps up the creep factor, but consider how Steele when he was running for Senate in 2006, had his credit records ramsacked by someone on Schumer's staff

Well if you faced a Russian roulette with Maddow's favorite candidate, an almost genetic hack in Leeza GetSometsky, and someone like Miller
which way would you vote, put it another way, if it was Paladino, Lazio and Cuomo, how would you have voted

Now seriously, Herr Frosch, do you think electing Andrew the Lesser, will improve the situation in Albany, No I wasn't crazy about Paladino, I supported McCollum in the primary, just as with Guiliani, two and a half years ago

Somehow I was reminded of this, on the homemade dystopic front, mind you, Miller's gone to the other direction since then;
I'm a sentimentalist so Billy Joel is right on point, and well
Republicorp is almost kind of true in my neck of the woods,

WEll you've really turned this place into Frum Forum West, so the professors should be glad to come here, the apologias for the unforgivable, the apologetics for Ahmadinejad.

Every vote for Boxer, Reid, Murray, was like slashing the body politic with a straight razor. Those that looked down on Angle and McDonnell
own whatever horrid appointment Obama offers

I don't know, make me an argument, "If This Goes On" how does the whole thing not fall apart, maybe not in the fashion of Bartolomew IZ and the Yellow Jackets but awfully close

I think some of the crazier dystopias you cooked up for Sliders, are on tap, after some of these local races, Scott, that one about California
under occupation to cite one example. We turned down HP and we're
getting Texas Instruments, doesn't seem a good exchange

No honestly, you deserve what you get it's like, to use another metaphor, 'lopping off limbs unneccesarily'. 'Welfare rather than jobs.' that may be the consequence, but hopefully not the goal

You're steering right into the Iceberg, as the old line goes, 'You eventually run out of other people's money,' and these moves have moved us from 25 to 35 knotts, full speed ahead

Yes 'Progressive' is yet another word for stupid, it's way too dangerous to have let Reid back in, although the Murkowski thing
is far from assured.

Well it's a good college try, although you must admit, my entry had more elegance to it, I can't say that Mike "Iceberg" Murphy doesn't come off as underwhelming, Fiorina took a particular anti GZM stance, when Prince Talal is saying 'no mas' it's time to call in the towel, btw, Ellmers won, so the repugnance will 'suddenly be obscured, AS for California's seemingly irreductable fate, I say 'bring on the Cadres,
after the greate wake