Reply to Miggs:
Which is why we needed something that wasn't idiotic, psychotic, and malevolent. That was "the hope." It died when the new administration backed off from its promise to clean house, etc. Same old same old broke the hearts of young people who believed and older people who wanted to believe. For those people who sided with the idiocy, the psychosis, and malevolence in the first place, it became an opportunity for more and that stuff since the Obama administration legitimized it by framing the debate in relationship to the idiocy, the psychosis, and malevolence as if the stuff that had been going for those 8 years wasn't those things. If he had done what he said he would do, the Xs and Os might have been even more difficult for the reasons CK points out so well and then the trouble may have been more long lasting (another one of his points). We'll never know. Here, I just want to point out that CK has asked you some great questions in the last few days. Perfect questions. None of which you even tried to answer. If you did really try to answer them I think CK would succeed in helping you turn your back on idiocy, psychosis, and malevolence. As our blog brother, you can't really be those things. I suggest you answer CK's questions. Go back, check them out, really answer them and see what happens.

I like the Xs. You're missing the Os, but that's Okay. I do have to agree that we were unprepared to effectuate the movement. And it's okay if it all leads there according to the Xs. It's going to be painful. But it would have been painful anyway, which is why we weren't ready to effectuate it. The Os part of it is that even though the OWS thing is happening to an extent, the degree to which Obama framed things in connection with an imaginary centrist right was so over the top that it left young people completely baffled. You and I can recover. Some young people have recovered, but what stands in the way of your vision actuating is that disillusionment. It may be too deep.

The descent of American politics into hysterical irrationality is already complete. It was complete when Obama's administration first started framing things according to a false debate with the supposed centrists who were actually radical so-called conservatives. So the debate appeared rational but was actually hysterically irrational from any rational perspective.