that it is, miggs.

but this stuff reminded me of what the they to punish me when they threw me out of typing class in junior high school.
(they repeatedly caught me peeking at the keys when i should have been decently averting my eyes).

I might have been one of the few 12 year olds trained in setting lead type during the 1960s.. i remember thinking how interesting it was that i was learning this vocational skill at the same time that my friends father was losing his job as a typesetter at the New York Times because the entire newspaper industry (and publishing industry as well) was abandoning the practice.

I mentioned this the rather remarkably drunken teacher of the class and asked if perhaps i might be trained as a fletcher, but

and my late uncle was pretty angry when they switched to digital recording of music and adopted remarkably lax recording protocols that resulted in recordings that were less true to the original sound.