That can be hard to tell sometmes.

I do get you point about the relatve emotional impacts of your dad's music. On the other hand the sketch you've provided does have an emotional resonance for me. Our family dynamics have hardly emerged unscathed following my brain injury. There were points at which thngs could easly have gone much worse. Some of those times seemingly random and arbitrary events made the difference between disaster and not disaster.

Well it early to assess our relative contrbutions. I have an unfinished novel in the attic, maybe we could use chunks of that. It has nothing to do with your project, but it could boost my word count.

I don't mean to presume...but this strikes me as a good opening paragraph.

As for it as information,my reaction is that unreliable narrators and nonlinear time are a couple of my favorite devices.

In any case, good luck with this project.

not really. I can appreciate the pipes, the culture and history, but opera and its near relatives... well "processor" is the rght word, they don't really compute for me.

I feel like in the distant past you've referred to your dad's musical career and the effect on you growing up. Maybe something about all that would be something for you to consider writing about.

Anyway, look forward to all that to the menu you're working on - just keep rollin along.