Comments on On Breaking Bad 3 – Post-Finale by miguel cervantes

OT, Andrew Kaplan has come up with a prequel to Homeland, giving some background to Carrie, Saul and Abu Nazir, it's set in Lebanon and Iraq mostly, it's pretty good.

Well he's more like the idealized version of Frank Lucas in 'American Gangster, I say the idealized, because the real Frank Lucas, was not as charming as Denzel portrayed him to be, Jacobsen's gloss, is amplified by the screenplay.

I think I coined 'Moriarty of the SouthWest' since the Scarface comparison that Gilligan has bandied about was too facile, He also resembles a villain from a little known novel by Kyle Mills, Volkov, who is a Romanian born biznismen, who is also operating in plain sight

No I was referring to the Fly episode, in retrospect, you were right as Marlow put it, Grey and Schwartz did 'contribute to Heisenberg, somewhat like Kurtz.

Walt has destroyed thousands of lives, as part of his livelihood,

Well that was an instance of chaos theory, to wit, the example of a butterfly flapping wings, creating monsoons on the other shore.