
The Hebraic Heidegger (Another Discussion Not To Be Held)

As for Heidegger, Schmitt, their defenders, and all those suspected of actual or parallel “sympathies,” they will, of course, be denied the protection we extend to the last great and very German, very Jewish philosopher-theologians of the pre-Zionist or Diasporetic Age. The thought of identifying oneself with the Nazis and fellow travelers will be the thought of leaving normal life in liberal-democratic societies behind. We remain defined morally – to ourselves, concretely – by the justice of the physical and ideological destruction of the perverted culture-state that Heidegger and Schmitt literally stood up for in public, and that privately they supported more in spirit than post-war apologetic exercises led some to hope.

Posted in Anismism, Featured, History, Philosophy, Politics, Religion Tagged with: , , , , ,

a better very, very bad translation of Grass’s poem + some bonus research

just for the sake of keeping track of this stuff and maybe someday doing something more with it, for the best social-scientific-philosophical reasons,

Posted in History, Internet, Philosophy, Politics, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

The Neoconolist Conspiracy

Look: there’s nothing wrong with making strong arguments against those with whom you disagree. But when you call them anti-Semites and when you argue that there should be a campaign to isolate, defame and get rid of them, you have gone over into the kind of bullying that is inimical to an open society.

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Blood Libel about Blood Libel about Blood Libel and so on…

…politics as the commencement of stupidity, a substitute for thinking, busy-work for those who lack the patience or inclination to think.

Posted in History, Miscellany, Religion Tagged with: ,

Too bad MW closed comments on the thread…

I think this would qualify as porno for the Nazi apologists at MW: Burning of Jews during the Black Death epidemic, 1349 — Ookaboo! …after they were done ejaculating they would probably explain how it was economic self-defense against the

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On avoiding writing about Israel

Philip Weiss flags a post by Conor Friedersdorf under the title “Why bloggers avoid writing about Israel.” Friedersdorf describes having passed on a link regarding Rand Paul’s proposal to put U.S. aid to Israel on the proverbial table.  The link

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It wasn’t a very good year: 1938 – Hitler’s Gamble by Giles Macdonogh

[amazon-product]0465009549[/amazon-product] Considering the centrality of “Munich” to American thinking on foreign policy – and the centrality of the war that followed to what America has become – there’s an argument for considering 1938 to be as important to our understanding

Posted in Books, History, International Relations Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , ,