…but they’ll niver tick our
I think HRC comes off rather well in this interview with Jeffrey Goldberg: Hillary Clinton: Chinese System Is Doomed, Leaders on a ‘Fool’s Errand’. Makes me proud I voted for her in the 2008 California primary, though in those dark,…
There is no Christian, there is no Muslim, there is no American, there is no atheist, there is no Buddhist, there is no Hindu, there is no Sikh, there is no nihilist, there is no anyone else.
I’ve wanted to offer support to Jerry Slater at MondoWeiss, but I don’t pretend to possess expert knowledge on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, nor do I possess any direct experience of the famous facts on the ground. I do however possess…
For two reasons, I’ve been hanging fire on replying to Jerome Slater’s essay “The Jewish State Controversy: Can Zionism Be Reconciled With Justice to the Palestinians?” First, I’ve been expecting the essay or at least a substantial excerpt to appear…
At Juan Cole’s joint, the good professor details what the Libya No-Fly Zone has accomplished in just a few days. He concludes: Pundits who want this whole thing to be over with in 7 days are being frankly silly. Those…