
The Decline of Political-Cultural Blogging in One Page

The first thing to note about OT’s blogroll is that, though it has been moved off the blog’s front page and sidebars, it still occupies a prominent link-position in the main menu. The second thing to note about it is that it isn’t: The blogroll page’s blogroll is missing.

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Vox of the Voxless (Read The Comments 2)

All posts – as by further reasonable extension all articles, essays, treatises, books, Facebook updates, multimedia Snapchat ephemera, and retweeted links to images of the more photogenic galaxies – are commentary by other means

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Read the (Moderated) Comments! (1)

The destructive proliferation of anti-social expression in a given virtually social environment, producing a failure of the commons in the usual pattern, can always be traced to an unwillingness to invest in solutions.

Posted in Internet, Meta, Web Design Tagged with: , ,

Once one dismisses the rest of all possible worlds…

I’d expected to be writing a very different post just around now

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Hillary Rodham Hegel

I think HRC comes off rather well in this interview with Jeffrey Goldberg:  Hillary Clinton: Chinese System Is Doomed, Leaders on a ‘Fool’s Errand’.  Makes me proud I voted for her in the 2008 California primary, though in those dark,

Posted in History, International Relations Tagged with: , , , ,

T-Paw, we hardly knew yaw

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Secrets of the Ancient Blogging Masters – The Day Trip

(kind of a sample post based on the “How To“) Amazon.com: Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict, 1881-2001 (9780679744757): Benny Morris: Books Really, read this book.  Just finished the first world-scene-setting chapter that closes with the birth of

Posted in History, Miscellany, Science Tagged with: , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Secrets of the Ancient Blogging Masters – How To

I’m on double ultimate secret deadline this week, which means the procrastination juices are flowing like a raging river.  I think I just figured out an easy way to create THE basic blog post, and I’d urge anyone authoring to

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Too bad MW closed comments on the thread…

I think this would qualify as porno for the Nazi apologists at MW: Burning of Jews during the Black Death epidemic, 1349 — Ookaboo! …after they were done ejaculating they would probably explain how it was economic self-defense against the

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Revolutionary Messianic Thought for the Day

That it goes back to the sources of monotheism is important not because the sources automatically validate it, or even less because the recognition might boost Jewish pride (almost a contradiction in terms given the status of humility in Judaism), or American patriotism (whose proper object is an idea, not a land or a dead history), but because the prophetic sources of Judaism and Americanism are also the prophetic sources of Christianity and Islam, and make the same logic available, as it is grasped, to all Jews, all Christians, all Muslims, and to all those who, like the first recipients of the prophecy, come into contact with it from non-monotheistic orientations.

Posted in Featured, Philosophy, US History Tagged with: , , , , , , , ,