#Climate Denialism

Occupy Nothing

Ecologism comes as close to dialectical materialism as positive or bourgeois science can while still remaining positive science, somewhat in the same manner as cognitive science and physics approach each other at their limits, but on the level of lived history. Nature itself, including human nature, the working world itself, turns out always to have already filled the revolutionary opening that we workers of the world have never quite managed to occupy. The Earth is the true proletarian.

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About that “media bias,” or Ombudsman Ombud Thyself

Had Jennifer Rubin promoted (and admitted agreeing with) such disgusting bile toward Jews and Israelis, as expressed by Rachel Abrams (neoconservative royalty) her journalism career would have been over, but because it was directed at Palestinians, it continues to thrive.

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Why They Fight

Confident conservative white men, as a group, were almost six times as likely to believe climate change “will never happen” than the rest of the adults surveyed.

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