
Alex Ross: The Frankfurt School Knew Trump Was Coming – The New Yorker

At some point over the summer, it struck me that the greater part of the media wanted Trump to be elected, consciously or unconsciously. He would be more “interesting” than Hillary Clinton; he would “pop.” That suspicion was confirmed the other day, when

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Paula Dwyer: Why Obama should pardon Hillary Clinton – Chicago Tribune

[H]alf the country now worries, and the other half hopes, that Trump will make good on his threat. More likely, he’ll contract the job out to House Republicans salivating over the prospect of televised hearings, starting with Clinton raising her

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Mark Penn: The Hillary Clinton of 2000 would have beaten Donald Trump – TheHill

She defended rather than apologized for her vote in 2008, willing to pay a political price for standing by her principles and decisions. Partially as a result of that, she was universally seen as the leader who could answer the

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Me: Aftermath or An 11/9 Twitterography – Here

Late on election night, after the matter and the immediate after-matter had passed, I turned, only a little drunkenly, to the latest episode of Aftermath on my DVR. The production is far from the level of premium TV product like, among newish shows, Quarry and Westworld, but the scenario and its development seem even more timely now than they did before 11/9…

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Hillary Clinton: “Roar” – YouTube

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PspX3VQghaU&feature=youtu.be From: Roar | Hillary Clinton – YouTube

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Ross Douthat: From Roe to Trump – The New York Times

[T]oday’s conservatism has far more to gain from the defeat of Donald Trump, and the chance to oppose Clintonian progressivism unencumbered by his authoritarianism, bigotry, misogyny and incompetence, than it does from answering the progressive drift toward Caesarism with a

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David Frum: The Conservative Case for Voting for Clinton – The Atlantic

[S]he is a patriot. She will uphold the sovereignty and independence of the United States. She will defend allies. She will execute the laws with reasonable impartiality. She may bend some rules for her own and her supporters’ advantage. She

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Andrew Delbanco: On the Election II – The New York Review of Books

The lesson of this campaign, on both sides, is that with the fragile exception of the Affordable Care Act, which has expanded the number of citizens with health insurance, our clotted political system has failed to meet the emergency of

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Francis Wilkinson: GOP Civil War Is Clinton’s to Win – Bloomberg View

Trump’s crusade to alienate a record number of college-educated white women voters seems likely to succeed. A vicious war waged by congressional Republicans against the first woman president may do for women what unscrupulous attacks against the nation’s first black

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Benjamin Wittes: A Coalition of All Democratic Forces, Part I… – Lawfare

For the United States, national security necessarily means more than just prevailing over rivals and preventing violence against the country and its allies. It means survival as a thriving democratic political culture. Right now, at least in my view, no

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