#Cordoba Initiative

Americans planning American building project in America

Life’s too short to address everything that’s comically irrelevant and confused in Andrew C. McCarthy’s “Ground Zero Thought Experiment,” a what-if? exercise that opens with the destruction by “Christian extremists” of the holiest site in Islam, and that therefore, considering

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A voice in the rightwing wilderness

I still await news of a single statement at National Review or The Weekly Standard, or a single comment from a major Republican politician or conservative pundit, acknowledging that anyone on the right may have gone a bit too far

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Idjitihad through the looking glass…

Althouse: “Is the 9/11 Mosque a Publicity Stunt?” I entertained the notion that the idea was to propose it in order to stir up the reaction that was, in fact, stirred up. Some Americans would be outraged, including a subgroup

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The IdjitihadTM rolls on

The HotAirians are greatly impressed with an article by two Canadian Muslims, Tarek Fatah and Raheel Raza, whom Ed Morrissey describes as “Muslim columnists,” and who appoint themselves the representatives of 1.57 billion people, in a sentence that has only

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Too late for healing

“To be a Muslim is to support Al Qaeda.” That would be one direct intepretation of “How About a Hirohito Monument at Pearl Harbor?” – the title of Jennifer Rubin’s latest post on our favorite topic.  For Rubin, apparently, an

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“Cordoba”: A comment for Karl at HotAir

Karl, “History” via Pajamas Media/Raymond Ibrahim and “history” as the rest of the world knows it are not always the same thing. The famous description of Cordoba as “the brilliant ornament of the world” was applied by a visitor from

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Who “they” is

This ad from the Republican Trust PAC – over 100,000 views on YouTube – has been rejected by NBC and CBS for airing.  Note the, um, not especially subtle symbolism used in the “starter” image: Though NBC spokesperson Jennifer Riley

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