#Democratic Party

What they do not want to know about American democracy

The social contract is signed in blood.

Posted in Featured, Politics, The Exception, War Tagged with: , , , , ,

Up to the moment highly interactive superhightech election coverage…

Though I almost always have voted in any election that has struck me as potentially interesting or important, I’m flirting heavily with the idea of not voting this time around, succumbing entirely to the alienation/anomie of being one vote among

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A vote for steady incremental decline

If conservatives are wrong about everything else, they may be right about this one underlying fact: A certain idea of American greatness may be slipping into the past. From that perspective, “steady incremental decline” may even begin to look like one of the better open paths.

Posted in Featured, Neo-Imperialism, US History Tagged with: , , ,

No alternatives

David Brooks’ Friday column consists of a rather melancholic “what might have been,” an “Alternate History” in which the Democrats under Obama’s leadership put up “No Quick Fixes” signs all around the White House, and “define themselves as the economic

Posted in Economics, Politics Tagged with: , , ,