
The EU can push for a hard Brexit, too – Financial Times

Even the negotiation process itself allows the EU to do well by doing good. The EU side is considering opening much of the negotiation to public view by publishing negotiation mandates and other documents. That is a good thing in

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Michael Brendan Dougherty: Angela Merkel is destroying Europe – The Week

[N]ationalist resentment across the continent found in Merkel a perfect foil once her grand invitation worsened the chaos of the migration crisis, especially as violence increased. Given the concerns about migration in Britain, Merkel’s policy may have even been what

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Contention of the Day – Cut to the Bone

Ryan Avent in The Economist: Britain’s conservatives have gambled heavily. If deep budget cuts amid economic weakness send the economy plunging back into recession, the government may be unable to make the cuts stick, and austerity could be discredited around

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Is our politicians lurning?

The title was an old favorite of Dean Barnett’s (I think I’ve got it right).  The occasion is a post over at Non-Zombie Contentions in which Jonathan Tobin takes a gander at the British Conservatives’ slo-mo political trainwreck.  His summary:

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