#Financial Crisis

China crashing, Brazil and India to follow suit

China faces an epic deleveraging hangover, like the rest of us.

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Bloggers of the Sphere Unite! (You Have Nothing To Lose But Everything)

If the system cannot enact what the system must enact, then the system must be replaced.

Posted in Economics, History, Internet, Politics Tagged with: ,

On Krugmanism: The opposite of unwisdom isn’t always wisdom

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections and The Moderate Voice takes a cue from Paul Krugman, whom, Gray concludes, “has a right to be pessimistic.” The powerful elites on both sides of the Atlantic suffer from group think. And, instead of

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Contention of the Day – Cut to the Bone

Ryan Avent in The Economist: Britain’s conservatives have gambled heavily. If deep budget cuts amid economic weakness send the economy plunging back into recession, the government may be unable to make the cuts stick, and austerity could be discredited around

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Shouting FIRE in a crowded world

“Developing World Catches a Fresh IT Wave” looks like the title for some completely disposable fluff piece, possibly in a trade publication or even an investment brochure, featuring interviews with a Sri Lankan computer geek and an Indonesian businesswoman addicted

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How to make money: James M Buchanan on completing the American Revolution

Economist James M. Buchanan – born: 1919, Nobel Prize: 1986 – should not be called upon or expected to enter the political trenches, to simplify or pretty things up for the masses or for striving politicians, nor to construct elaborately

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