
Chastising Their Insolence

It is hard to imagine a world in which acts like the murders of James Foley and Steven Sotloff simply as Americans, in connection with an American decision to rescue others from imminent annihilation, did not produce among Americans a demand for punishment as both practical and moral necessity. Yet there is a tendency even among many would-be supporters of President Obama, or of his plans to “degrade and ultimately destroy” “the group known as ISIL,” to diminish and disdain politically aggravated homicides as actual and compelling bases for a specifically American reaction.

Posted in Featured, The Exception, US History, War Tagged with: , , , , , ,

genocide and democracy

Describing “Why ‘never again’ happens again and again: Stopping state repression,” at the Center for Political Studies (CPS) Blog: After analyzing the 220 cases, the authors find essentially no support for the international efforts to stop repression, though Preferential Trade

Posted in notes, Political Philosophy Tagged with: ,


Proposed definition: genomisia- n. – from genos (“race, stock, kin”) + -misia (“hatred of”) : hatred or actualized animus toward any group as characterized by common religion, ethnic or national origin, ideology, customary conduct, or orientation; also misogeny.

Posted in Featured, notes, Philology, Philosophy Tagged with: , , , ,

Genres of the Genocidal

Tahar (@laseptiemewilay): Civilians are not that innocent. Children are just collateral. Now genocide. It is unsurprisingly the same argument expressed differently. @RexBrynen wiped from the inter-ether, I mean the post, not the victims of genocide in reply to RexBrynen 09:08:15,

Posted in notes, Philosophy, War Tagged with: , ,

You ought to be in communist genocidal fantasies

Or was it genocidal communist fantasies?  Genocidal fantasy communists?  Fantastical communist genocides?  Each re-combination has its appeal, and might make for an interesting, or not, new name for this blog. There’s an argument for seeking the most boring blog name

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